A different perspective on well-being by Reena Terreping

Parkinson’s is the disease of drained hopelessness, where head and hands unwillingly, uncontrollably are trembling.

Stiffness of the soft tissues disrupts the normal movement of the bones, that’s often why the tip toe walking develops. Tip toe walking on its own may be emotionally connected with obeying behaviour. Some children have that and it literally means they tip toe around their parents to meet their high expectations.

The monotone speaking manner is a result of the hopelessness.

These people have used all their good will and kind heart for the lives of unlucky, unhappy ones.  They have used their life force to make others’ lives better.

In this alternative view, people who will get Parkinson’s are the ones who want to contribute to a big cause, like serving their holy duty, but they often don’t feel their expectations are met, because they often don’t acknowledge that unhappy people can’t be made happy. That’s everyone’s own duty.

Trembling in the head and hands is like a fear of putting effort in pointlessly, and also fear of getting disappointed that once again “my good will be wasted and knowing that I do not have any strength left to help”. This boils down to feeling unlovable for not being able to save or help others. At the same time, they will have an instant need to help once someone turns to them for help.

At first the disease starts to show itself by making it challenging to intentionally stretch hands. Energetically this is like the body trying to say: no need to put all the effort in to others, let them do it for themselves. Then once the symptoms are escalating and the head starts to do nodding like movements, it’s like energetically saying that this person is still always nodding yes to being willing to help others.

With Parkinson’s disease, the function of the nerve cells gets disrupted as a result of the lack of dopamine. Dopamine is the carrier of the holy duty energy. If a person has a fear of not being able to complete their holy duty, then they will develop deficiency of the dopamine, that leads to Parkinson’s.’

That is an example of how too much good (will) can turn into a ‘bad’.  The underlying truth is going against the person’s desires, or ignoring themselves for the sake of others.

We are here aiming to find balance. Every bad has its good in it and every good has bad in it.

Retrieved and translated from ‘A Teachings of Survival’ by Dr Luule Viilma, part 3 pages 176- 178.


Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.


  • Wonderful article Reena. My Father-in-law had Parkinson’s. I would have never guessed the causes for his condition.

    It would be interesting to know the root causes for Multiple Sclerosis.

    Thank you so much!

    • Thanks so much Debbie- you lovely lady! I can ask Reena, if she has received this message and if not I can see if there is a possibility of an article about M.S.
      Have a beautiful day XXX

    • Hi Debbie,

      Thank you so much for your comment! Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been on my mind for a while. It depends on whether I will find enough material for it, as the books I am referring to were written almost before this disease was defined.

      Best regards,


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