A message for March by Sharne Young

I was shuffling my cards and asking “universe – what do we all need to know right now”.  This is what came through:

We are all on the journey of life. It has cycles just like the weather. Seasons of plenty, highs and lows, times of hibernation and then newness. It is full of emotion and sensation, balanced by the reality around us. Extend that out past the atmosphere of our planet, our home for this life, into the stars, the galaxy, the universe to the greater cycles of existence. Whether the physical plane of gases and matter or the astral and etheric grids of our soul existence – it is all the journey of life.

The journey is not just one line, it meanders and collides. If you think about it, one life being lived is an explosion of sensations in cosmic proportions. Layer upon layer of experiences; all creating; all generating more of the same.  A perpetual kaleidoscope of activations, sacred frequencies and energies – the orchestra of life in this universe.

Card 12 ‘The Maestro – Sounds of Love’ is a story about some of the sacred codes or frequencies of living.  The message is:

You have been heard, your voice, feelings, thoughts and Light have been added to these sacred frequencies. These frequencies create reactions that reverberate throughout the greater collective consciousness.

Know that you make a difference. You are a valuable member of the great orchestra. If you are seeing the sacred numbers 11-11 and the 7-7 it is time for new activations, reconnection and regeneration.

The Channelled Galaxy Oracle is available at MyOracleCards.etsy.com  for a limited time.

Sharne Young

Sharne is a registered nurse, an empath, a Usui Reiki Master, a serenity vibration healing practitioner; an angel intuitive and the co-author of 'The Ancients' and creator of 'The Channelled Galaxy Oracle'.

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