The seeds have been sown for a new day dawning.
The new era is just around the corner.
And when I say the seeds have been sewn,
this is still some time away.
Just like a seed takes time to germinate and grow,
so too does a new dawn.
A bright dawn takes time to eventuate, but know it is coming.
The new dawn, a new time of brightness and love
will eventually be yours.
It is just like the germination of the seed that slowly becomes something of beauty in whatever plant it may be.
The new dawning of a new era so too takes time.
But lighten your hearts in knowing it is so,
we say just around another corner.
So, this is something to look forward to.
It is like what you say, a “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow.
And there are rainbows ahead, many rainbows,
many rainbows in beautiful hues of colour.
There is nothing to be fearful of, though times may not be now to your liking, know they will improve.
It is said the good will always win through.
The positive will always outweigh the negative on the scales of justice, on the scales of life and love.
The scales must be always in balance.
There are always up and downs and turns in your road.
And eventually there will be more upliftment and more love and
light in your life that you have ever known.
Look forward to this day.
There is a new day, a new dawn just around the corner.
Go in peace and love and joy and happiness and know that we are always around you. Just know this is so.
You can find more about the heartfelt CD Yvie has released, sessions details, as well as her regular blog and gallery at:
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