Mention timeline shifting to people and everyone will have a different idea or feeling about it.
I know for me over the years it has always felt like something only the extra special, spiritually aligned person could do, or the qualified person in that field or the person who could tune into their gifts far more intensely than I could.
But recently I have come to understand timeline shifts differently, and in this article I want to share with you my perspectives with the intention of either allowing you to believe it is definitely possible for you (if you were a non-believer) or reinforce to you that it is a choice, your choice.
Every time we desire something new in life we can achieve it. I know that new desire is simply an intuitive message from my guides that I can change my perception around something currently playing out, to create something new that will give me a new experience and expansion.
The new is what I call a new timeline. That new little piece or vision of reality that we want to create in our life.
You can go from a timeline you are experiencing where perhaps you are struggling with finances, to seemingly out of nowhere being in a reality where that is simply not true anymore.
It’s not magic or woo woo.
It’s a choice and an intention you make consciously and unconsciously to change that area of your life. Manifest it. Bring it to being. And when it is realised, you are living a different reality in part. A shifted timeline in your life.
Now, I was using all the methods for a long time to shift certain areas on my life, but it just was not working for me, and I didn’t know why.
Then I realised that I could easily shift into a new timeline, a new reality, around life I believed I could…but not in the areas where I felt unworthy, unvalued, insignificant or would be rejected.
So therefore, the work was to build up my beliefs in those areas and quieten or neutralise the old stories and fears. This also proved to be like climbing an overwhelming mountain to me!
Then came along my wonderful 5 steps in The PEACE Process! This enabled me to go to the reality I desired, see it, feel it, experience it, embody it…and BELIEVE it.
This created change with far more ease and flow in my life and when I look back now, even over the past 6 months, I have changed timelines several times into different realities around money, relationships, health and family.
What part of your life is feeling out of alignment to you right now?
If you could be living a different timeline, a different reality, what would it feel like? How would it look? Who are you in that timeline or reality?
And the next question is- when will you decide to make the intention that this is real for you?
If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed like I was not so long ago, then please reach out because I totally get where you are, and I would love to guide you to the reality and timeline you would LOVE to be living right now!
You can get a head start by reading or listening to my book The PEACE Process here:
Or email me at
I am always available to chat on messenger too if you connect with me on FB at Trish Rock
Love xo
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