Tending to the fertile ground of your inner landscape by Suzanne Bolton

Gardening!!  I absolutely love my garden and as a novice gardener, I get so much enjoyment pottering around, experimenting, learning, growing things and literally tasting the fruits (and vegetables) of my labour.    Over time it has become clearer and clearer that the parallels of creation and manifestation are all one and the same, whether in the garden or creating a business or achieving any kind of goal, everything in life follows the same basic principles and cycles.  Sewing seeds, watering, feeding and nurturing them, growing them to their fullest potential, harvesting and then cutting back, pruning and returning to the earth, ready for the cycle to begin again.  Adding to that are the more reflective inward phases of reviewing your efforts vs the outcomes, what worked, what didn’t work, what can I do differently, perhaps seeking some advice from others, what will I do again and importantly, recognising the achievements and successes and celebrating them and/or eating them!

The topic of manifestation and creating is vast and if we stick with the gardening analogy, I would like to offer you some tips on what I believe is such an important and possibly lessor discussed aspect of your manifesting – “weeding your garden”! It’s the job you might not like to do but when you don’t do it, your garden gets out of control and what you want to grow, very quickly becomes overrun, draining energy, motivation and suffocating your vision. 

Weeds are generally things that are already either in the garden, blow in on the winds or are brought in by birds and insects. Generally anything that you don’t choose to plant is what would be described as a weed.  Here are three tips to applying basic gardening to manifesting in your life:

  1. Have a master plan: In order to weed your garden having a vision or a goal is really important.  Without this you have nothing to gauge or discern what is a weed and what is not.  This means taking time to go within and ‘see’ what you are wanting to create.  It’s with this vision that you get to feel what resonates with it and what doesn’t, and then you pursue and action that which feels right.
  2. Chore vs Enhancement: Keep your vision as the focus for motivation always.  If you make ‘getting rid’ of  weeds the focus, it’s draining and your energy goes to what you want less of, as opposed to what you want more of.  Same job, different motivation. Translated into your manifesting ability, this means having reminders of the dream and the vision around you.  Take time to stop and keep feeling into what you are working towards, this energy frequency is motivating.
  3. Stay flexible and adaptable: Not all weeds are bad and when you assess what is growing in your metaphorical inner garden some weeds may actually enhance your vision.  Pause, feel and consider before dismissing.  This could be described as your opportunity to grow and do things you wouldn’t normally do, outside of your comfort zone, and where you get to experience things you didn’t know you could do.

As always, nature gives us the clues on how to live a life in flow and it’s why I created The Soul Perspective program, where I really get to help you connect to the deeper visions of what you want to create, manifest and experience. Assisting you to become the master of weeding and organically adapting and responding to what presents in you so that your energy and effort goes towards your continual growth and expansion of the amazing human you are.     

Book into Suzanne’s Soul Perspective Program or arrange an appointment today at: www.vitavienergy.com.au

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Suzanne Bolton

Suzanne is an inspired kinesiologist bringing her wealth of experience to her new business creation: VitaVi. This new venture focuses on energy education and the expansion of self-perception to recognise and integrate the energetic dimension into modern life. Suzanne is passionate about assisting others to consciously direct their energy towards growth, success and healing.

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