I am dieting, exercising, eating less chocolate, even limiting my wine, why is my weight still not coming off ??
We’ve seen it all, diet pills, detox powders and drinks, why is there still such a big struggle to lose weight and keep it off?
Firstly, its important to understand what typical weight loss supplements are doing…
Typical weight loss products are doing one of two things:
- They are either stimulating our body to burn more fat, which places stress on a body as mostly they contain caffeine; or
- They are suppressing our appetite, which goes against the body’s natural signals to eat and nourish, anything that goes against our natural flow typically produces a negative effect.
It’s through 17years of research and testing different weight loss and detox methods and gathering feedback from thousands of clients and fellow practitioners that we can confidently affirm that ‘balancing the hormones and cleaning the body from the inside is the most successful and most sustainable way to go.
This is the only approach that ensures we avoid temporary weight loss and charts us toward the direction of healthy, happy and successful weight related outcomes.
‘I’m talking about that feeling where we are standing tall, feeling excited, experiencing high energy, and actually wanting to exercise and consciously choosing to eat high quality foods, supplements and water because our body is asking for it and quite simply responds so much better for it’
What I know for sure is that once we balance our insulin levels, correct thyroid dysfunction, regulate sugar and unhealthy food cravings, clear out PMT and improve digestion, the metabolism ‘switches on’ and starts working in an ‘optimal state’ which also contributes to the hormones working in synchronicity.
The results my patients are getting are truly outstanding.
One lady in her late 40’s lost 60 kgs in 8 months without changing her diet! How could that be you may ask?
She also had severe diabetes, advanced fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, extremely low energy so her system was just breaking down at high speed. She actually said to me: “my family, especially my sons were seriously worried about me”.
Once she started correcting her hormones, everything started falling into place. Her body’s ‘master switch’ was finally activated and now after many years her metabolism was switched on and all the adrenals, thyroid and pancreas were able to function properly. Because of her great results, she put her two sons on the same ‘master switch’ program, and one of her sons lost 15 kgs, and they both settled down a lot at school.
There are so many examples of my patients losing weight and keeping it off, and at the same time balancing their hormonal cycles, reducing unhealthy food and sugar cravings while enjoying more energy and increasing their ability to focus on day-to-day tasks more clearly.
Through switching on the body’s ‘Master Switch’ the system is able to correct its internal organs and glandular functions, so in my opinion it is the most common sense, simple and effective approach to weight loss available to everyday people.
So whether you have tried all the diets under the sun and still struggle with weight loss and uncontrollable weight gain, or if you simply have no energy to get through with your daily tasks, or even if you have a health-issue related to an imbalance in the endocrine system, whatever it is, make sure you activate your body’s Master Switch and watch your body start to heal and reveal its healthiest state.
To learn more about this incredible, revolutionary approach to weight loss intelligence, please visit us at www.detoxhouse.com.au.
If you don’t want to wait a moment longer and prefer to get started today, then please feel free to call me directly
Ph: 0414957039
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