An Invitation by Alexis Moon

When you are shown something you don’t want, it’s an invitation to see it from a different perspective.

What if these themes were a gift for you, to open to the clarity of what you actually do want in your life. It’s an opportunity to go within and choose a new option. To pivot and change the current trajectory you find yourself on.

We are creating our lives, every day and when things happen for us, they can be in direct correlation to thoughts and feelings we had previously.

This isn’t always the case, as there are some experiences in life we have chosen, for a higher purpose. This I believe can at times offer comfort when we have faith that everything happens for a reason. We just aren’t always privy to it, at that time.

So, if there are things you aren’t happy with, how do you respond that that situation? Respond or react, basing your actions on programs of the past.

How aware of your thoughts are you, the ones swirling in the back corners of your mind?

These thoughts affect how you feel and can simmer in the background of your consciousness, until you activate a trigger.

A trigger which can be a gift, awareness of what is happening within you and an opportunity to choose a different path.

When you become aware, you awaken to new perspectives and potentialities of your reality.

Instead of “argh, I hate this” you could look at it from another angle. “I choose to acknowledge this is where I am, in this moment.”

Gratitude for the awareness that this is something I want to change. Then asking for the next steps towards what you do desire and wish to create, to reveal themselves to you.

Nothing is truly stuck or locked in place. It’s our thoughts that make us believe those stories, created by past behaviours and old programmings. Experiences that reflect what we believed, influenced by those outside of ourselves.

Now that you know what you don’t want, you would start the process of unlocking what you do.

It’s not always straight forward, knowing what your next steps are. Or what they could be.

It really depends on your own unique way of being and what you wish to choose.

Some ways you could uncover these would be daydreaming, visualising different scenarios and checking in with your body.

Asking yourself questions.

How does that make you feel?

Does it light you up?

Does it evoke feelings of excitement, contentment or peace?

How do you want to feel, moving through life?

If you don’t know (or think you don’t) look to your childhood, for activities you enjoyed.

Many times, I’ve seen those put to the side, as we grow, becoming serious and responsible.

Yet, if we tap into these, we can reconnect with our inner child.

Play, a high value for most children, will open your mind and gently show you what you want in life.

Connect with Alexis and hear her latest live readings and interviews at her Facebook group:

Alexis Moon

Alexis Moon is an Intuitive, Healer, Speaker, Interviewer, Storyteller, aspiring Author and is married with 2 teenage sons.

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