Breaking Free to Live the Life You Love by Susan Lazar Hart

Have you ever felt stuck in midlife, like you’ve reached a dead end and lost sight of your dreams? You may have spent years, even decades, on a path that now feels wrong, leaving you questioning your choices.

The career that once thrilled you might now seem burdensome, or the life you’ve built might feel like a series of obligations rather than a source of joy. This period can be confusing, but it also presents an incredible opportunity—a chance to break free from what’s holding you back and start living authentically.

Changing your mindset can make all the difference in aligning your life with who you truly are.

The Fear of Change in Midlife

Let’s be honest: change is hard, especially when you’ve spent years building a life around certain expectations. By midlife, many of us are deeply entrenched in our routines, responsibilities, and roles. We might feel stuck, but the thought of shaking things up can be terrifying.

What if it’s too late? What if we lose everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve? In my book Breaking Free, I explore how this fear of change often prevents us from pursuing what we truly want in midlife. It’s easy to convince ourselves to stick with what’s familiar, even if it doesn’t make us happy. But deep down, we know when something isn’t right.

Midlife doesn’t have to mean settling for comfort. It can be about stepping into something new that aligns with who we are now.

Embracing a Transformational Mindset

So, how do we turn midlife from a crisis into a transformation? It starts with a shift in perspective. Instead of seeing midlife as the beginning of the end, what if we saw it as a fresh start?

You’re not the same person you were in your 20s or 30s—and that’s a good thing! With experience, wisdom, and a clearer sense of what really matters, you can begin to ask yourself crucial questions: What do I truly want out of life now? What am I holding onto that no longer brings me happiness? How can I start living in a way that reflects who I really am?

In Breaking Free, I share my personal story of developing heavy metal poisoning after years of success as a painter. When I could no longer paint, I felt empty. But by asking myself, “What else would I love to create?” I began exploring new paths that resonated with my true self. This journey led me to life coaching, positive psychology, and other healing modalities, allowing me to reset my vision and choose my next best steps.

Living Congruently

Living congruently means aligning your actions with what matters most. It requires more than a mindset shift; it demands action. Start with small steps, like exploring new interests, setting boundaries, or rethinking your career path.

Each small step toward alignment with your true self brings you closer to a fulfilling life. Midlife is your chance to rewrite your story, align your life with your inner values, and step into a more authentic future.

If you’re ready to take that first step, join Transform: The 21-Day Reset Challenge, designed to help you reset your mindset and start living in line with who you truly are.

To Learn more and register here

About Susan:

I’m Susan Lazar Hart, a transformational mindset coach and creator of The Congruent Living Method and Academy. My passion is helping individuals like you transform their thoughts, beliefs, and habits so they can start living the life they love. Don’t wait for the “right time” to make a change—start now. Your future self will thank you.


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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