Burmese Golden Semolina Pudding

Recipe TRISH DAVISON, owner of ‘Burma in Ya Belly’

My cousin Teresa would make this for us whenever she visited and it was one of my favourites especially cold, with a cup of tea. Generally Burmese meals do not include sweets. Fresh tropical fruits in season are usually served after the meal to cool and cleanse the palette.

Like most other neighbouring countries in the region, sweets are eaten in between meals as a snack, although, unlike India and Thailand the sweets of Burma are only mildly sweet.

The recipe I have shown below is quite easy to make but perhaps you may need another pair of hands on standby to assist with the stirring as once the semolina begins to thicken it can be quite a task. MY main tip here is to KEEP STIRRING till the mixture begins to pull away cleanly from the sides of the pan. It is traditionally served on its own but I like to serve it with whole fresh berries and a mix of rose water. Fragrant and exotic; it really gives the dish a modern twist and for those who like to indulge, a sweet coconut and cardamom cream wouldn’t hurt.

SHWEGYI SANWIN MAKIN – Golden Semolina Pudding (pronounced ‘Sinnamikin’)

1 cup course Semolina
1 cup coconut milk
2 cups coconut cream
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
125g  ghee (butter or peanut oil can be substituted but ghee has a particular flavour that I personally adore in this recipe)
Pinch of cardamom powder
2 large eggs, beaten
2 tbsp slivered almonds
Small handful of raisins
1 tbsp white and black poppy seeds

Put the semolina into a LARGE heavy based pan and on mid heat, stir till it begins to slightly change colour and you get a fragrant roasted smell. Be careful NOT TO BURN IT.

Add in the coconut milk and cream and stir making sure to remove all lumps. Add the sugar and bring to a slow boil – Continue stirring all the time. Add Ghee and continue cooking and stirring until the mixture is beginning to thicken and at the first sign of bubbles turn down the heat and add the remaining ingredients except the poppy and sesame seeds. Allow to simmer gently for about 8-10 minutes and the mixture begins to pull away cleanly from the pan.

Pour into a large baking dish or cake pan that has been greased or lined with baking paper. Sprinkle the poppy seeds and toasted sesame seeds at the very end and bake in an oven that has been preheated to 160 degrees for 40 minutes. Grill the top to make it crispy, golden brown and crunchy. Serve warm or at room temp with the berries and sweet cardamom cream.

Burma In Ya Belly HEAT and EAT prepared meals are now available at RED HOT CHILLI PEPPER, Bulcock Street Caloundra. Why not throw together a dinner party or luncheon and pick up some curries. Then add chilli condiments, rice, salad and some crispy wok tossed greens, plus bake this cake above and you could have an exotic meal that transports you and your guests to Mandalay in no time at all.



Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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  • Thank you, I love Semolina and have copied the recipe for my files. When my children were young I would make a Semolina breakfast mix, which my children called, ‘Birdseed porridge’.
    Dawn Alice


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