Did you know cooking and cooling your starches like sweet potatoes, taro and rice, has a different effect on your body than just eating it cooked straight away? Why not indulge and get the benefits of resistant starch to feed your gut microbiome.
Resistant starch is feeding your bacteria in your large bowel when consumed. These bacteria use the starch as food, as it resists digestion in the small intestine. The by-product of this is butyrate which is amazing because this fatty acid helps heal your gut.
1 cup steamed taro, cooled
¼ cup raw honey
1 tsp vanilla
½ tsp salt
½ cup full fat Ayam coconut cream
¼ cup cacao powder
½ cup coconut oil
1. Cook taro and cool for 12 hours in the fridge.
2. Place taro, honey, vanilla, sea salt, coconut cream, and cacao powder into a Vitamix blender or high powered blender and blend until smooth. It’s very important for it to be silky.
3. Add the coconut oil and further blend.
4. Pour into a glass bowl and set overnight until firm.
5. Roll into balls and roll in hemp seeds.
6. Place back into the fridge for a further 3 to 4 hours.
Get creative and try adding wild orange Doterra or mint and flavour your trufflettes. Just remember essential oils can be strong – a little goes a long way.
If you don’t have hemp seeds, just use desiccated coconut.
This recipe is going to be included in Tabitha’s upcoming recipe book due to be published this year! Lee. Eat-share-love
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