Caring for our whole self by Jacq Koloski

Sitting here enjoying my cuppa and reflecting on this past month. I was reminded that to care for myself I must care for my whole self. Self care for my body, mind, emotions and soul. Self care for  all of me, not just parts of me. To be honest I was being selective in what parts of myself I cared for. Why? Well that way I could ignore what my body was saying to me and hope it would go away. Only I know that my body will just get louder if I ignore it and it did. It yelled so loud I went to see a doctor. That was a big deal for me as it brings up lots of emotions but I went and am getting things sorted. Nothing major, more a monitoring of a few health concerns. 

I share this with you as it’s just one example of not caring for our whole self. To be in alignment with ourselves we must take care of our whole self. Are you taking care of your whole self? 

💜What do you need to do to care for your body? 

Make time to make a list if you need to and start with one thing and do that.

It could be going to the doctor, doing exercise that makes your body feel good, getting a haircut, facial, resting as required, getting a massage, getting what ever test is needed to see what’s going on. I’m sure you have more you can add. 

💜What are you doing for your mind? 

It could be exercising helps release those good feelings, learning something new, puzzles, crosswords, anything to keep your mind active but calmly. It could be some form of meditation to calm the mind down. What is it that you need? 

💜What are you doing for your emotions? What triggers you? What do you do when you are triggered? What are your strategies? 

It could be crying, singing loudly in the car to your favourite song, looking at what the underlying belief is that has brought that emotion up? It could be seeing a professional to help unpack things, it could be time by yourself to regroup, talking to a trusted friend or time in nature.  There is so much you can do.

💜What are you doing for your soul? For that place deep within your heart that when you go there feels like home and peace. This is where I spend a lot of my time. This brings me back to me and brings me awareness of my whole self. What are your strategies for your whole self care for soul?

It could be learning to listen to yourself, pay attention to what your whole self is saying, journaling, doing a ritual that brings you back to you, courses that feel aligned to you, taking time out to better hear what your soul is saying. There is lots you can do.

Start caring for your whole self. Make a list for each area and take time each day and just pick one thing and do that. You are worth it. We need you hear 💜

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: JACQ’s MUSINGS

Big hugs and love 


Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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