Harnessing the Power of Silence to Raise Your Awareness & Vibration
We live in a world that is naturally fast moving, loud and often times seemingly chaotic due to the dynamic nature of desire and creation that is always at play in our reality. Every thought, feeling, emotion, movement and action emits a vibration that is either soothing or disruptive to the senses.
As humans, our natural rhythm and connection is always plugged into external forces enhancing our ability to perceive and understand the world around us. As spiritual beings, it is our level of consciousness that determines our point of joy or suffering in any given moment.
Countless species upon this planet rely on their innate senses to navigate life with stealth, precision and steadfastness and yet somehow humanity struggles to find its center in life.
What is it exactly about silence that either pulls you towards it or repels at its mere mention?
Throughout my own life, I have found myself in various stages of understanding and discovery when it comes to silence. There have been moments where I was able to invite silence in as a beloved friend and teacher while other times, I have sought out distractions and activities that have prevented silence from coming.
What I have learned through the journey is that silence serves as a sacred gateway to our primordial nature; the deep unknown and ineffable state of being where clarity and inner standing resides. It’s resonance power so immense that it can bring about spontaneous enlightenment and connection to the higher self and universal soul monad consciousness. With silence we welcome in the space to heal, to balance, to know and to trust the wisdoms that live within. For me there are two primary states of being when working with silence for clarity and understanding; The meditative and the contemplative. In most cases they work in tandem with one another.
In a meditative state of silence, we invite the subconscious to bring up and release what it believes it knows so that pure unobstructed consciousness may rise and liberate.
In a contemplative state of silence, we call forth the understandings of the limitless soul so that new integration pathways may be uploaded and put into place for new inspired awarenesses and action.
What I have come to know in my life is that silence is the great elixir for all ailments and advancements in life. As one becomes more and more willing to align with the sacredness of silence, the more you will come to understand that all you want and need is deep within you.
In sitting with silence, I have uncovered some great truths for myself. As you too begin to expand and elevate into silence may I invite you to contemplate some highlighted gateways of awareness below. I encourage you to use each one for journaling purposes and trust that as you do, you will uncover your very own.
Silence is Acknowledgement
Silence is Brave
Silence is Contemplative
Silence is Delightful
Silence is Enough
Silence is Fortifying
Silence is God
Silence is Healing
Silence is Intelligent
Silence is Joyful
Silence is Knowing
Silence is Love and Learning
Silence is Mastery
Silence is Noble
Silence is Omnipotent
Silence is Power
Silence is Questioning
Silence is Revealing
Silence is Still
Silence is Triumph
Silence is Understanding
Silence is Victorious
Silence is Welcoming
Silence is X Marks the Spot
Silence is Yours
Silence is Zen
Email: Info@HeartofOnenessHolisticExpo.com
Upcoming Expo date is March 7-9, 2025. Advertisement opportunities both in print and virtual are available.
Event Details:
Date: March 7-9,2025
Address: 97 Sunfield Avenue | Edison NJ | 08837
Venue: NJ Convention & Exposition Center
Signature Theme: GATHER | GIVE | GROW – Wellness for Evolving Times
Hours of Operation:
Friday: 5pm-9pm
Saturday: 10am-7pm
Sunday: 10:00am-5pm
As always, thank you for joining me here and rising up into your best and greatest YOU!
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