Changing Your Mood To Manifest Faster by Trish Rock

When you think of manifesting there may be all types of words, routines and rituals that come to mind: 

  • Law of Attraction,
  • Affirmations
  • Feeling into it
  • Imagining
  • ‘Bringing or calling’ it in, and many more.

All these ways are available to learn and use in this human life as a way to create those experiences, and things we desire.

When I first started ‘manifesting’ deliberately it was more difficult than I thought! Even though I seemed to be doing what others had taught or shown, which had been successful for them, there was this stuck energy, or block, from the Universe (or so I thought!), and I was not receiving these things I was asking for.

I have now discovered that I was asking from a place of not having. A place of lack. A place of ‘give me this because I do not have it’.

From this energy, what you are actually manifesting is the ‘not having’, and what you desire will stay out of reach. Until I understood this, my frustration levels were high and made the receiving even more challenging! But now I can see the energetic components of manifesting, things come with more ease and grace, with seemingly less effort.

The main thing I like to check in with, and do the work on, is how I am feeling – in my general daily life as well as how I am feeling about what I am calling in. Rather than asking for a thing and then noticing the lack of it, I ask for the thing or experience and then FEEL into it as if it already is.

You have most likely heard of this method also but here is the extra bit that I believe is vital to the process – your MOOD.

If I focus on staying in high energy – a good mood – then the things I am bringing in seem to just appear. Just like the Law of Attraction states – like energy attracts like energy – your good mood and high vibration will more easily attract what you are manifesting, as you are in a higher connective state of creation (and you are creating everything in your life).

This equates to a focus on my mood, and feeling of my desires, not the focus on what is missing or what I do not have yet. And this focus of energy here – manifests fast.

It has been very noticeable in my life, also in my online membership group – the High Vibe Happiness Hub – where I am teaching daily how to check in with energy, mood and intention. The members are manifesting unexpected money, jobs, opportunities and on a daily basis are feeling more in charge of their lives, and how they choose to show up vibrationally.

Having the Hub to check in on daily to find ways of increasing vibration, and deliberate intention, has changed the lives of so many of the members already – and it could be the same for you.

We all benefit when like minded people come together for a common purpose. I invite you to join this amazing community too. Here are the details:


Trish xo

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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