With the lead up to Christmas (what – too soon?) many of us start thinking about family and friends, and organising gatherings etc. Most of my friends live some distance away from me. With social media it is not too difficult to do a quick catch up but that also seems to decrease the need to see each other face to face. Therefore, it can be months or years before we really see each other, give each other a hug and have a proper chat. I think of them all often (I don’t have that many of them so it’s easy to think of them all at the same time). Some of them I have known since childhood, others I have known for several years. They are all my tribe in one way or another. All of them cherished and important to me. Some I have an almost intense sisterly relationship with and with others the relationship ebbs and flows and sometimes disappears like a mirage only to come back all vibrant and lovely again. We all have friends like those.
As I wrote Oracle Card 7 H’Tara – Tribe, I took inspiration from a hypnotherapy /regression therapy session I had done a few years before where I visualised one of my past lives. It was way back, around the last ice age – the past life not the hypnotherapy session. I was inspired by the session because I was feeling the lovely connection, I had with some of my old friends that had endured for many decades. To cut a long story short – H’Tara was also very connected to her tribe. They shared everything to survive and thrive.
Feelings of belonging are important for our existence. There is also a yearning for our own ‘tribe’ of like-minded souls. They may come to us unexpectedly, teach us wondrous lessons, shake life up then leave, never be heard of again, or at least not connect with the same intensity as before. Others might remain friends for life, over time creating an unbreakable bond of love, respect, and trust.
The oracle card message reminds us that the people around us are our tribe. Cherish them, get to know them better, even if we think we already do. By doing so, we are creating a more fulfilling bond between ourselves and our tribe, a beautiful connection.
I hope to catch up with some of those dearest to me before Christmas and I hope you do too.
Connect with Sharne and be on her waiting list for her ‘Channelled Galaxy Oracle’ deck at: sharnesoracle on Instagram
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