Do I know enough to fill a book?  By Julia Van der Sluys

People share this fear with me ALL THE TIME. I do not have enough to say to fill a book. I don’t know enough…. The list goes on, but it’s just a variation on the same theme.

Let me let you in on a little secret… Your socials and your newsletters you send – they are mini books in the making!

If you have a series of social media posts that run along a similar theme – there is a potential book.

If you send newsletters all the time – there is a potential book.

If you have a course – there is DEFINITELY a book there.

I get it, it can be daunting as a mother trucker when you get that nudge to start writing a book.

You ignore it right, as it is all too hard basket, where do you even begin, I don’t know enough, I am not a great writer….

But here is the thing, if you are on social media, you are already a writer!

If you collected all your posts up, they would more than likely add up to a lot of fricken words… that would total a book!

See it starts to not be such a daunting process when you realise all of the above.

So do yourself a favour right now, if little ol’ spirit is nudging you with the book whisper. Go through your old socials. Is there some that have a major theme running through them?

If so, collate them into a word document and start teasing them out some more so all the information is right there, rather than the little gold nuggets you throw around in your socials.

And there my friend is YOUR book!!

It doesn’t have to be a 100,000 word masterpiece to be impactful and be a book.

It doesn’t even have to be a paperback at first – turn it into an eBook first if that feels more manageable.

The biggest thing is that you start.

Start making your words and your knowledge work for you.

Start giving your audience an affordable taste of you through your book.

Start allowing your energy to reach and make more of an impact through your book.

Honestly let this year be the year that the whispers are louder than the fear and then get ready to see YOUR name on the front cover of a book, YOUR book.

To connect with Julia at White Light Publishing, please go to:

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Julia Van Der Sluys

Julia is the inspiring woman behind, intuitive self-publishing company, White Light Publishing. Let Julia and her team assist you with making your book writing and card deck dream a reality.


    • You start at the start my love! Take us through the majors… Then your healing moments and ahas and possibly how others could do it too… Then you now and how you are living your life – and kapow you have yourself a book!

      If you don’t want to get into the nitty gritty, tell us your healing moments instead (touching on some things if you need to) and how it could relate to the reader.
      There are truly so many ways you could do this 🙂


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