Dom’s Spring/Summer dressing

What you need 

Apple cider vinegar or lemons




How to make it 

Take 3 tablespoons of either apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice (45ml) and add to 1 tablespoon of fresh runny raw organic honey.

Take 1/2 hot red chilli out of the freezer and slice it very thinly and add to mixture (yes you can easily freeze whole chillies, take them out of the freezer when needed and slice while frozen. 

A pinch of sea salt. 

Mix all together and just pour onto your vegetables and salads. 

This will keep for weeks in the fridge if you want to make a big batch. Or make it daily like I do for a fresh experience. 

Apple cider vinegar has a variety of benefits, mainly because of its acetic acid content. It may assist with weight loss, improved digestion and regulated blood sugar levels. It can also help combat bad breath.

Lemon juice is packed with Vit C, which can boost your immune system, aid in digestion and help maintain skin health. Its great citric acid content can support kidney function and prevent kidney stones. And it’s a natural detoxifier, and can help balance your body’s PH levels.

Honey is not just a natural sweetener, it’s packed with antioxidants, which help protect your body from cell damage. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it a really  great remedy for soothing sore throats and coughs. Plus it’s a prebiotic which helps feed the good bacteria in your gut.

Chili peppers are powerhouses, their heat comes from capsaicin, which can boost metabolism, aid digestion, and even help relieve pain by acting as a natural analgesic. They’re also rich in Vit A & C, which support immune health and keep your skin glowing.

Enjoy this recipe. Have a great day. Love Dom xox

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Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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