Don Tolman: The Indiana Jones of Whole Foods by Andrew Dudek

“Please, remember these two ancient laws: first, pleasure is our greatest, highest good! Second, the only evil that exists…is violence against innocence.” “Cowboy” Don Tolman.

It’s another buzzing, packed house at the Brisbane Mercure Hotel. Don Tolman will spend three unrelenting hours delivering and sharing information; again, it will be of stunning magnitude and breathtaking proportions. Inevitably, every person in the room will be uniquely elevated, inspired and touched by whatever communications “speak” directly to them. Yes, Cowboy Don is back – and just his presence in the huge function room is enough to ignite and emit currents of electricity upon an otherwise typically ordinary, sunny Brisbane Sunday winter’s morning…

Moments before Don takes the stage, the audience know they are in for a treat, but there is a warning – certain statements and ideas will be “challenging”. To Don Tolman however, the “cuffs are off”; it’s finally time now, to usher in the Peaceful Worldwide Revolution, which, he explains, will definitely start…in Australia!

The man speaks with eloquence, humour, passion and empathy. To say that his grasp of knowledge, wisdom and scholastic prowess is encyclopaedic would be a grand understatement.

Is Diabetes really a scam? Would you like to avoid 99% of all doctor’s calls, drugs and treatment? What is the simple secret to vision restoration? How does the Alchemy of Life – Water, Earth, Fire and Air, all link back to our health? How do we get rid of age spots by simply using lemon juice and sunshine? How do we stop a heart attack in its tracks? Why is Borax so effective in reversing arthritis?

These are only a few of the thousands of Tantalising Tolman Truths – simple, safe, effective protocols – facts and knowledge deliberately kept away from our day to day sight and beyond our reach. By powers that are literally hell bent on committing violence…against all innocence.

Andrew: You are an outspoken advocate against the political push towards “mandating” vaccines via legislation, both in the USA and now in Australia. In Queensland today, the various vaccine manufacturers’ own published ingredients in flu vaccines currently being administered contain Octoxinol 9 and Octoxinol 10 – known spermicides and sterilising agents. What possible reasons are there for such ingredients to be injected into a person’s bloodstream?

(Don looks at the manufacturers’ ingredients list, and ruefully shakes his head).

Don: The vaccine industry is probably one of the darkest, most ridiculous industries that has ever been forced upon the people. These ingredients… are meant to create sterility in the male and the female. So, if you want to have a baby, they’ll want you to spend 20 or 30,000 thousand dollars for IVF, because that’s another industry that’s on the rise, and they’re doing everything they can to promote it. They don’t want people to get pregnant without having to pay them…so that’s ultimately, I kid you not… the very basis of this.

The word vaccin-ium was used in classical Latin- it was a type of berry. To vaccinate used to mean, literally, to eat berries, because when we look into this, the berries that come forth in the spring… are Nature’s Vaccines! So whenever the berries are on, go get them. Eat as many of them as you can, and you will have absolutely no worries.

Some people typically just don’t understand their own bodies. If you have a house (a body) you better open the “flu”, to let all the gasses and poisons out! Your body “flus” or vents, 24 hours a day. What’s interesting is that, if your body isn’t venting enough, through lack of water, walking, fresh air, sunshine, or not enough plant based foods…then that’s actually called “influenza”, which means…”not venting”!

The flu is not some horrible, mysterious disease…it’s your body cleaning house, and protecting you. Just keep drinking liquids…and puking!

Andrew: Allergies are seemingly on the rise. “Elimination and Allergy Diets” actually encourage us to ingest MSG, Colours, Preservatives, Benzoates, Nitrates, sulphites, sweeteners…even Pink Musk Sticks!
What’s the “answer” to allergies?

Don: They just love the idea of “fighting” a disease; everything is a “war” and so we suck in and fall for it. When it comes to allergies (say pollen, or mites)…you just need to make your own salt water nasal spray! Get a little bit of peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree, put a lot of salt water with it, and suck it in through the nasal passages, and if you’re able to, swallow a little as well. The body’s immune system will strengthen… and you will get over the allergies.

Andrew: What about food allergies?
Don: The number one cause of food allergies is taking too many antibiotics at an early age. The way to overcome the allergies is through small, teeny tiny dosages. Put the food, or the seed, or the nut, whatever, on your lips. You lick your lips…and eventually spit it out. Do this for seven days, eventually swishing it around, then spitting it out. A week later, you actually swallow the particle and follow up with a glass of water.

Andrew: What about household chemicals?
Don: With things like formaldehyde in our carpets, bedding etc, you get…an onion. Slice it in half, and put it in each room! Through an electromagnetic force, that onion will attract all of the particles in the air, even dust mites. Keep it going for about seven days, thinly slicing the onion layers off regularly and throwing them in the rubbish!

Andrew: What, generally, leads to physical sickness and/or disease in your opinion?

Don: All sickness is due to one, or both, of the following: toxicity, or deficiency. This applies equally to say, toxicity in our relationships. Or a deficiency in things that nurture our hearts and souls…like actually pausing to smell the roses, and feeling the radiance of the sun on our bodies. Fasting, for example, is one of the most powerful ways to exorcise our “demons”, whether by way of a water fast, juice fast, or a “mono fast” (consuming only one type of fruit or vegetable for an extended period). Our stools, breath, urine, skin, mood, body odour and state of well-being will tell us with great accuracy whether we need to fast. This includes addictions! Can you fast from Facebook for a week? If not, you’re addicted to it!

Andrew: Please share with us some more of your thoughts about the Peaceful Revolution.

Don: I’ve seen more of it happening in the last six or seven years than I ever have in my entire life. A lot of these (former) doctors, oncologists, and researchers are quitting their careers, and/or doing documentaries, and getting “the message” out there. Two documentaries that come to mind are “Bought” and “The Truth about Cancer”.

Andrew: Your “Base Camps for Health” are an intensive affair; a desire to help people form deep relationships with what you describe as the “truest of truths” and a quest to share knowledge and wisdom with much of humanity in the coming Peaceful Revolution.

Don: Thank you so much. I’m so grateful and appreciative of the work that magazines like Holistic Bliss undertake to be a part of this shift in consciousness. As this type of information is shared, people go “wow,” and they wake up a little bit more. Whether it’s only 3 or 4 people meeting once a week, sharing information and articles, or forming “Holistic Clubs” where everyone is open to discussion…it’s all a part of this beautiful journey towards personal and planetary healing and restoration.

Don Tolman is back in Australia in Oct. Book your free ticket HERE

For more information about Don Tolman visit:


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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