Finding Your Voice in Midlife: Communicating with Courage by Lucy Becks

By the time we reach midlife, as women we have likely endured our fair share of life’s various personal incidences causing us to experience emotions such as guilt, shame, and rejection – just to name a few.  Years of enduring these types of emotions often creates trauma and results in withdrawal, fear of judgement and feelings of not being seen and heard or valued by society or perhaps even those close to us.

If these occurrences have been created and compounded over several years, we may find it easier to hide away, keeping ourselves invisible, ‘flying under the radar’ so to speak, because that way we wouldn’t attract any attention and feel ‘safe’.  If this is the case I want to say, ‘I see you’, and ‘I hear you’! 

Our negative self-talk and limiting self-beliefs can have an impact in the way we show up in the world, often creating awkward and uncomfortable situations, from fear of being judged or misunderstood.

Sometimes there are generational influences at play, which quite possibly is the ‘root cause’ of having these feelings of being unable to speak, especially in public.  This is often referred to as the ‘Witch Wound’ where women (especially) feared speaking their truth about their innate healing gifts – these past traumas are contained within the DNA and have been carried down through generations of ancestors.  It’s now time to use our voices, to shift and heal the ‘Witch Wound’ and contribute in a more positive way to the Collective.

Here’s a couple of tricky questions to ask ourselves; do we remain in the shadows, or do we come out into the light?  Personally, I say, ‘come out into the light and shine bright’!  Sharing our gifts with the world is super important, the Collective depends on it!

I wholeheartedly understand that this may take immense courage to speak our truth and express ourselves authentically, but know that it is worth the risk, however big or small it may seem because this is how our soul expands.  So how do we do this?  We need to activate and balance the Throat Chakra so that we can speak our truth with confidence and authenticity.

*Cool tips – when looking for a quick and easy way to re-balance the Throat Chakra, hum to yourself for a few minutes or pop a blue kyanite crystal in your pocket to help with communication.

When the Throat Chakra is blocked, we may struggle to communicate effectively or feel as though we cannot speak up for ourselves. This may lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and in some circumstances depression. By working to balance and open the Throat Chakra, we can tap into our inner wisdom and find new ways to express ourselves and connect with others in a more authentic way.

So divine Midlife Warrior, remember to shine your light BRIGHT! 

Your VOICE matters!  The Collective needs YOU!

It’s YOUR time, right here, right now!

Connect with Lucy:  

Looking for your Tribe, a place to be seen and heard, craving connection with other like-minded Midlife Women? You’re most welcome to join us in the Women’s Midlife Collective’s private Facebook group. Join here;

Chakra Harmony: Empowering Midlife Women  

Chakra Harmony is a short detailed online course designed specifically for midlife women who are ready to embrace this transformative phase. Whether you’re seeking balance, empowerment, or simply a deeper connection with yourself and others, this course is tailored to meet your needs.  Find out more;

Lucy Becks

Lucy Becks is a talented intuitive reflexologist and pioneer of Lulu Belle Therapies. She also creates a beautiful women's circle online, and in person on the Sunshine Coast for women who are in their midlife.

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