Harvesting Prosperity: Practical Tips for Saving and Budgeting by Abbey Rose

Effective saving and budgeting techniques for physical and emotional security.

As someone who helps many people with their finances, it may come as a surprise to you that my biggest piece of advice for you is this:

Budgets are obsolete, cashflow is where it’s at.

Gross sales is vanity, net profit is sanity but cash is always king.

We have been told, as a business owner, to do a profit and loss. But that does not give you a true snapshot of your finances.

You have a profit and loss and a balance sheet, and your cash flow statement should include both of those because it is a more realistic screenshot of the cash that flows in and out of your bank account.

So if you want to get on top of your finances, then creating a cash flow statement based on percentages is where it’s at.

What these percentages are, are up to you and will change from person to person, but they should always include:

Paying off your past

Saving for your future

Incoming cash

Outgoing business

Outgoing pleasure

When you look at your finances you always want to look at the whole picture, no matter how uncomfortable that may make you.

There is no benefit of sticking your head in the sand and allowing the same issues to arise again and again.

Becoming financially literate is one of the most empowering situations to find yourself in, and there is no reason for you not to make the decision to learn how to take control of your finances in this ever changing world.

Choosing to become secure in your own power when it comes to your finances means that you have the knowledge to grow and scale, while creating financial security which will allow you to live a life you truly desire.

Which I will always advocate for.

Connect with Abbey, book in to her new events and purchase her Priestess of Prosperity Oracle deck at: www.abbeyrose.org

Abbey Rose

Abbey Rose is here to help you create, manage and protect your wealth. With over 15 years in the finance sector, Abbey brings cutting edge business and financial wisdom that mixes the worlds of strategy and intuition helping you create financial empowerment.

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