How To Avoid Emotional Eating by Liz Isenring

Do you eat food to feel better or alleviate stress?

These suggestions may help you avoid emotional eating, combat cravings, & find effective methods to curb your binge eating.

1.Start Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast

A healthy and yummy breakfast consists of lean protein, complex, whole grain carbs, plenty of fibre, & a small amount of healthy fat. A full night’s sleep does wonders for your body & energy levels, setting the base from which you start your day, especially if you begin your day with a well-balanced breakfast.

Eggs, avocado & greens with wholegrain toast or rolled oats with fruit & Greek yogurt & nuts are great ways to start the day.

2. Practice Mindful Eating

A simple invitation to be present when preparing or eating is all that mindful eating is about. This method aims to spend less time thinking about your weight & the stories that surround your weight. It allows us to enjoy our meal without being distracted by feelings of guilt, worry, or inner criticism.

People who practice mindful eating learn to achieve the weight that is most comfortable for them naturally. Conventional diet culture is responsible for a significant amount of stress-related eating, bringing a slew of pressure, intensity, & false expectations.

Consequently, many of us prefer to see food as a reward or punishment. For this reason, we believe we deserve a certain nibble, snack, or spoonful of anything & consider it a treat as if we were a well-behaved puppy or kid.

Those preoccupied with being slim may undereat & repress sensations of hunger, while people who overeat may disregard their feelings of satiety & discomfort.

3. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Make sure to plenty of water to hydrate well & increase blood flow. Proper hydration boosts your ability to concentrate. Stay away from sugar-filled sodas & beverages & anything containing artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours, or preservatives. Limit or avoid alcoholic drinks, & limit coffee consumption to no more than 3 cups per day, if possible.

4. Take High Protein Foods such as lean meat, nuts, fish, eggs, seeds, cheese, legumes, & soy products.

Protein is made up of the building blocks of your brain’s molecules to control your thoughts & emotions. It also aids in keeping you feeling fuller for a more extended period & strengthening your immunesystem.

5. Exercise Daily

Physical exercise is a powerful stress reliever in addition to improving your mood & energy levels. Following a regular workout routine is less challenging than you may imagine.

Start by limiting yourself to 15 minutes a day of working out & increase as you see fit.

6. Try to Sleep 8 Hours Every Night

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body may crave sweet meals that provide you with a fast burst of energy. Healthy adults require anywhere between 7–9 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep will aid in the management of one’s appetite and the reduction of unhealthy food cravings.

Liz Isenring

Dr Liz is passionate about improving lives via evidence-based nutrition and wellness consulting. She's a Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, author and speaker.

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