Think again, Do you recognise your business as a generous benefactor, wise and giving and handing you inspirational ideas after inspirational ideas all day long, and flowing you towards clients and opportunities. Your business’s energy is warm, welcoming and gives off a radiance that attracts serendipitous meetings that have huge positive consequences for you and the bigger purpose of your business.
As a living breathing conscious entity, your business has wisdom beyond what any human mind can capture, and access to infinite knowledge and the solutions for the biggest or smallest problems that you face as the chosen human to run your business.
Imagine being in a relationship with your business and having information and expertise at your fingertips to serve and please you, and deliver to you to the people, come up with ideas and go beyond what your mind can imagine. All your desires are fulfilled and then some when you connect at a level that is so natural and easy.
And all of this goes beautifully beyond the illusion. Yet until now you never uttered a word of appreciation or thanks, or expressed any heartfelt gratitude or even a sliver of joy for the gifts that were bestowed to you as the chosen one to run this divine inspired idea that you call your business.
Oops. Let’s remedy that right now.
I can see you now opening and having a different perspective of that particular relationship, and wondering if that saying is actually true for you. That how you are with one relationship you are with all relationships?
What would your business say to you if it could speak?
The spirit of your business is conscious and very aware of you and responsive to its surroundings, as well as the human that was chosen and here to usher in the inspiration that was given to you in a moment of divine guidance, so that you could bring that into form.
Your business communicates, speaks, sends messages and has a desire of its own to complete its task and mission and bring forward change and an evolution.
That inspiration when it landed for you as a business idea, really lit you up and you knew you could do this and make this happen and you fell into it with gusto and ran with it, you felt called to something greater and believed in the purpose 100%.
Yet, along the way the inspiration you were given took a turn and then another. The original idea that was pure and flowing got covered over with the ideas of the human of how to run a business on earth. The rules, the strategy and the obligations and the head took over the control of the business, believing it was in charge and had to drive the direction to meet the profits required, and bring in the clients.
The pure inspiration got suffocated and other people’s opinions, beliefs and thoughts of how to run this thing called business took over. And the spark went out and the spirit of the business sadly took a back seat.
The harder you tried to manage and control the business the further away the spark and guidance you enjoyed seemed to go. Longer hours were needed, more force required, more asking the opinion of others, and all the aspects of delight and appreciation that you miss in all of your other relationships faced you head on with your business. What’s your relationship story? The lack of appreciation for all your hard work, the missing love, the support you desired, the steady stream of compliments (clients) and invitations (opportunities) to have adventures together, no fun and laughter and certainly no magical deep connection and understanding.
Your dreams vanished and dwindled into a fraction of what the true greater potential was, because you gave your power away to that accountant, coach, partner, bank, parent, and they all got in your head and screwed with the original divine inspiration and it has been a costly thankless journey.
Imagine walking into a room and having the feeling that you are about to meet the spirit and soul of your business, to connect instantly and spark up the best conversation you’ve had with anyone in ages.
What do you think she will say to you?
Now place all of the products created for your business on a table in front of you, some inspired when you were connected and listening and some founded in your mind from panic or worrisome thinking that would be a good profitable addition.
You get a chance to speak to each product, project or book within your business and see what it brought you. Consider – How grateful are you for the part it played? When did you last appreciate, love and feel grateful for the support you received or spend quality time with it. How about you give it a stream of compliments for its part in your overall business?
The intention of your business was pure and fascinating when it was given to you, and yet you never took the time to go back to your business and ask your business what it wanted, needed and how it wanted to create the next phase of its growth. You took over with thinking every little thing and that pushed away the spirit .
Listening to your spirit and the soul of your business will bring you magical solutions, fresh inspiration that keeps you on track without your agenda, and needs getting in the way to muddy the waters. Your business can reach its highest potential because it’s the all knowing, and the one who can direct you far better than you do.
When I was asked by my client Lee last week to read into her book and what it wanted to say to her? Her book responded by asking her to take her name off the cover as the author. She argued of course but after a while and some delicate explaining she imagined her book without her being the author. That was the instant the path was cleared for her book to come all the way through, without her as the controller and director and give her exactly what it needed to tell her. Since that serendipitous meeting, she says her book won’t shut up with guidance and direction and ideas. But she is so happy. Her book went to international best sellers in all the Amazon categories she was guided to select. And she was given several ideas on how to best market the book going forward after the launch.
Are you open to hearing what your business wants to tell you and listen to its guidance for you and the next growth phase of your business?
I offer these initial readings in three parts giving you a chance to ask your business the questions you have and want to ask. It’s never been easier to strike up a conversation with the spirit of your business, and receive guidance to be the next great success?
Opportunity to readers to receive a 50% opening offer
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