Let Wellness Sustain You in 2023 by Debbie Webber

Are you ready to thrive in 2023?  Are you ready to live a healthy and fulfilling life?

As 2023 approaches it is not unusual for you to be casting your mind forward and thinking about what the new year will bring.  Perhaps you are taking some time to reflect on the last few years of your life.  It has certainly been a challenging time for many people.  Staying health and well is something we all tend to think about this time of year.  

As conversations turn to new year’s resolutions for 2023 centered around health and wellness, at Zen Chi we have been researching wellness trends for the next year and having deep conversations with some of our therapists.

One concept that has gotten our senses all tingly is something known as Yang Sheng.  Yang Sheng is a Chinese Medicine concept that focuses on sustainable self-care.   Yang Sheng means “nourishing life”. 

We are very fortunate at Zen Chi, to have several Traditional Chinese Medicine and Oriental Medicine Practitioners who embrace the concept of Yang Sheng.  And like all our therapists, they support our clients to live a balanced, consistent and flexible well life.  

In 2022, we have been sharing many tips on wellness with the Holistic Bliss readers and in 2023 we will continue to provide well rounded suggestions on how you can lead a life steeped in holistic wellness.  Using the concept of Yang Sheng, we will support you to find a sustainable self-care approach that moves beyond ‘prescriptive’ therapy and live a well-nourished life.

Over the next 12 months we will look at the different principles and practices of Yang Sheng.  These principles relate to mind, body and spirit and are not limited to Traditional Chinese Medicine practices.  Our therapists are very excited to offer you their professional and personal experience on taking care of yourself.

When asked what priceless piece of advice they could offer you for taking care of yourself over the holiday season here is what some of them said:

“Everything in moderation.  Enjoy life, have that favourite beverage of choice, eat the dessert, but also say ‘no’ to the things that aren’t serving you”

“It’s okay to do things just for yourself.  That is how you super-charge yourself so you can look after everyone else”

“No is a complete sentence”

“Make time to disconnect from technology and reconnect to the things and people that matter the most to you”

“Stop, Breathe and find gratitude in every moment”

From our Zen Chi family to yours, we wish you a peaceful festive season and look forward to being with you in the New Year. 

Debbie Webber

Debbie Webber is the pioneer of award winning wellness centre, Zen Chi Therapies and each month one of her team members will write about the modality they specialise in at Zen Chi.

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