Location, Location, Location – Where are You Being Seen? by Deb Miles

What methods of business communication do you use?  How can your ideal client reach you?  Where can they source information about your brand?

In my last article I really highlighted the importance of having a diverse marketing strategy.   Relying on one method such as a social media platform, you are giving away control, increasing your risks and limiting your exposure potential.   Having an integrated marketing strategy will grow your business in a more sustainable and consistent way.

But where do you start?

A true integrated marketing communication strategy will incorporate the Five P’s – People, Product, Price, Place and Promotion.   Having a sound understanding of your marketing mix gives you the ability to successfully present your heart-based business to the world. 

A quick review of your Five P’s enables you to create a brand that has purpose to reach your audience (people) with a product or service at the right price in the right place using the perfect message (promotion). 

Placement is cornerstone to successful delivery of your marketing strategy.  Putting your message in front of the client, where it is easily accessible helps them build a relationship with you and your brand.   And there is an understanding in marketing circles that a potential client must have multiple interactions with your brand before making a decision to buy.  These are known as touchpoints. Mapping out touchpoints should consider all the places your ideal client is likely to be found. 

Digital marketing is still a rapidly growing arena and the following list gives you a brief look at what is available.  I strongly suggest keeping pace with this ever-changing marketing arena and learning where your client likes to hang out online.  Digital methods for considering in your marketing strategy include:

  1. Creating your own website gives you a space where you can develop community, provide content that you control who has access too and is a great platform for telling your story, selling your product and launching into other areas of digital media.
  2. Email Marketing is the simplest method for staying in connection with your audience outside of social media.  It does have its down sides but it can be an affordable way to promote, advertise and sell while also giving you audience value-added information.
  3. Hangout in Online Groups on social media.  Offer your valuable knowledge, make recommendations and socialize with your people. 
  4. Find Online Communities and engage in conversation.  Like social media community groups avoid going in for the hard sell.  Make it all about the community and only offer advice if it is asked.  Express your opinion but avoid being obnoxious.  Remember you are there as a representative of your brand – is your messaging consistent.
  5. Utilise Multi-Media Message services such as messenger and other platforms.  Set up groups and let them know about you but avoid being spammy.  Again, come back to your brand and what message you want to convey. 


Deb Miles

Deb Miles is a natural therapist and the pioneer of Mindful Marketing who supports heart-based businesses to combine their love and passion for what they do with the logical, analytical and practical components that come with successfully marketing a business that experiences growth and longevity.

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