We have all heard the phrase, “living in the now”, however, I have found that many  of my patients/client actually live a great deal of their lives ,  living  in the past – they are surrounded by the energy of their emotional attachment to pain, resentment, anger or disappointment  which is associated with an event that took place in their lives, weeks, months, years or decades ago.  

If you are living in anger or resentment, understand that these negative emotions impact your health and well-being.

When there is another person or persons involved with an event that impacted your state of being, you are energetically connected to them by the strong negative emotion that you are held ransom to. Word, physical involvement, and thoughts are all energy – being energetically connected to a perpetrator/s means that they have some of your power, if not a great deal of your power.  This is why you may feel completely drained when the emotional states are triggered.

In my live workshops this topic was one of the most sought after – people wanted to get on with their lives without the gremlins of the past popping into their thoughts and disrupting their emotional state of mind.

We now know that all negative emotional states are detrimental to our wellness both physically and mentally.  Angry people often present with bowel issues, resentment often triggers organs surrounding the heart centre, be it the breast, chest, or heart.

We all know that there are positive emotions and negative emotions that can lift us up or drag us down.  In my experience is that individuals do not want to relive these experiences or emotional states of mind. 

Having worked with hundreds of patients/clients/individuals over the past 30 years, I now use a process to help people leave the past behind and offer a package to assist individuals. You can imagine that if you have been carrying the past with you for months, years or decades, it does not disappear overnight, as your unconscious mind, which I call the “little self” has become familiar with these emotional states which may have been fired and wired into the unconscious mind thousands of times.

Releasing the past requires more than detachment, understanding and forgiveness, as the three selves are involved.  The walking/analytical self, the sub-conscious (little self) and the energetic self.  All need to experience the letting go and severance of this state of being.

By holding onto negative emotions associated with the event means that you are giving over your power to the person or persons involved, as they or their behaviour has control over you and your emotional state of being.

If you want to understand “how to” release the past, please log onto my website. Module 8 Personal Power deals with this subject. Or you can call me direct to discuss a treatment program so that we can uncover, how, why where and when this control over your emotional state began.

Contact Spiri on: 0418 775849


Spiri Buhagiar

Spiri Buhagiar has worked with individuals and various companies for over 30 years helping people to be the best version of themselves. She has qualifications and experience in RTT, Hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP and has been gifted with clairaudience which is now scientifically recognised.

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