Overcoming Fear Of Standing In Your Light- 10 Ways To Stay In Truth by Trish Rock

As you shift in vibrational energy and start to feel the pull and calling for more self-truth and authenticity in your life, there is also a large emotional component that goes along with it.

  • Who am I to be that?
  • Who am I to create a different life for myself?
  • Who am I to go against what people I love think is best for me?
  • Who am I to deserve this happiness?

You have been conditioned, like all humans, to be powerless and conforming in so many ways. Leading you to believe you are not good enough, not smart enough, undeserving and most of all, unable to speak your truth.

By now, in the high vibrational energies that we are currently in and the transformation that is taking place globally and universally, you are being called to stand up, to rise, to be seen, to be free.

The old is very out of alignment and you are most likely feeling it in some way, even if you are not consciously aware of what it actually is. You may even allow fear to keep you where you are.

Ask yourself these questions right now:

  • How do I create that peaceful centre within me that will be unshakeable and unbreakable by the outside world with all its opinions and energy?
  • How do I strengthen my inner calling and knowing?
  • How do I find alignment with my Truth?

Here are 10 ways to stay in your Truth and begin the process of truly standing in your Light and power:

  1. When emotions of hopelessness and unworthiness arise, be aware and rather than get stuck in them, allow them to flow through you.
  2. Keep tuning in to your own soul resonance.
  3. Stay centred in your own reality.
  4. Have compassion but don’t feel you need to join others in their fear.
  5. Take your power back – empowerment is saying no to the fear and doing it anyway.
  6. See this as an opportunity to grow.
  7. Don’t be pulled into the chaos or drama – trust your own path.
  8. Believe in yourself, even when everything around you is saying otherwise.
  9. Be discerning with your truth and how you express it, and to whom.
  10. Stay in your own lane.

Your resolve for change will grow as soon as you make the commitment to yourself. If you falter, come back to the beginning, ask better questions of yourself and start again.

You are a powerful creator and you can choose differently.

Your light and truth are needed right now on this planet and beyond and while you may feel you are such a small fish in a big ocean, every little thing you do matters and makes a difference.

The most powerful thing you can do to change the world is to change your own beliefs into something that reflects more love, peace and freedom.

Decide today. Ask for support. You will be pleasantly surprised at the flow you can create when you are ready.


Trish Rock



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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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