Part 2 Continued from last month: Healing Diets for Dogs by Dr Elaine Cebuliak

Step 4: Plant-based oils

The diet so far has included fats from animal sources. Now, try adding some plant-based fats and oils. Begin with extra-virgin, cold-pressed olive oil, a few drops a day in the stew. Increase gradually to 1 – 3 teaspoons daily.

If this goes well, try coconut oil instead of olive oil. Coconut oil has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is generally well-tolerated, but because of its antimicrobial properties, it may stimulate a “die-off” reaction of pathogens in the body. If you see any negative effects, stop the coconut oil for a few days and try to start again at a smaller amount.

Step 5: Dairy

Dairy products must have been eliminated for at least six weeks, either prior to beginning the Healing Diet or while following the Healing Diet. Now, try to add fermented or cultured dairy products. Fermented dairy products include yoghurt, kefir, and soured cream (crème fraiche). Optimally, this is home-made from raw organic milk.

*If a known allergy to cow’s milk exists, try cultured goat milk instead. If even goat milk has caused serious allergy reactions, skip this step altogether.

Start with ½ teaspoon per day. If no adverse reactions, gradually increase to 2 – 4 tablespoons daily. As cultured dairy products contain more probiotic bacteria, there may be another “die-off” reaction. If so, stop the dairy for a few days to a week, and try starting again at the ½ teaspoon amount.

Step 6, and beyond: Going Raw

If your dog is now eating and digesting well, feeling great, free of most of his or her allergy symptoms and at a healthy weight, you may wish to try transitioning to a raw food diet. Raw food diets are “species appropriate” for dogs in general, with more enzymes and nutrients than a cooked food diet. However, some dogs cannot transition to raw because of long-term illnesses that have changed their ability to digest and metabolise raw foods. Keep this in mind, if you decide to try raw feeding. And remember to take each new addition slowly, in small amounts!

Cook the meat less and less. Continue adding some home-made broth every day, though.

Try some raw vegetables, finely ground or grated. Carrots, peeled and seeded cucumbers, and broccoli stems are some good first raw veggies.

Apple, either cooked or pureed raw, may be tried. Papaya has great enzymes. Blueberries and fresh cranberries have antioxidants and cleansing properties.
So far, so good? Great! Now give your dog a raw chicken wing. Watch with pride as your little domestic dog transforms into a great wild wolf before your eyes.

When your dog is ready for a raw whole-foods diet, please read “Switching To Raw”, a guidebook available online at Or, you may try a pre-made raw frozen or dehydrated pre-mix diet that is commercially available, for convenience.

And for more information and to book an appointment visit:

Dr Elaine Cebuliak

Dr Elaine is a highly experienced holistic vet and pioneer of Animal Wellness in Brisbane. She also assists with many charitable projects in Australia and in Bali.

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