How many times do you say, I don’t have enough time? I should be further ahead on this project or that task than I am. Or I couldn’t possibly do that due to…. excuse, excuse, excuse. I have caught myself often using the excuse of; I don’t have enough time to do something for myself. I’m busy doing all this other stuff. Then I can limit and restrict myself and then judge the hell out of myself. A nice little cycle going on there. I’m sure you’ve never done that.
Time is a fascinating concept that we use to run our lives. We all have the same amount of it. We all do different things with it. Do you ever stop to think what you are choosing to use your time for? Do you ever think that it might be a good idea to stop and question how you are using your time? Are you choosing to use it for what you want to have and create as your life or are you simply getting by each day?
There is human time and soul time. Human time is where we as humans are living in this 3Dimensional plane, and we have 24 hours each day as to which we fit in life. Each day comes and goes regardless of whether we do anything different with our lives, choose differently, take steps towards creating a life you love. This 3D reality we live in allows us to judge ourselves if we do not complete or do things within a given timeframe.
Soul time is multi-dimensional and there are no limits to time and what we can do with it.
Whether we do it today, tomorrow or it takes years, soul time is patient, and it all works out in divine time. What do I mean? Have you ever started a project or business idea and you do all this work for it, and it just never seems to happen for you? The project or business just never really takes off. You stop working on it and before you know it, it just becomes a faded memory sitting there reminding you that you failed. You judge yourself and you settle instead. That’s human time. Soul time is when you start that project or business and previously it might not have been the right time, but years later you are guided to start it again. You start the project or business, and it all seems to fall into place with ease. That is soul time. Soul time shows us that we have unlimited time upon which to create anything our hearts desire and if it is to truly meant to be then it will be.
Here are some questions that are useful in assisting you to identify what you use your time for.
- What do you do each day that takes up your time?
- What is one thing that you could let go of each day that fills your day but holds no real purpose? Think what you do to procrastinate.
- What areas of your life take up the most time? Career, kids, family, friendships, interests?
- How much time do you give to different people, events and tasks during your days, weeks, months, and years?
- What is one thing you could add to your day that would assist you towards creating that project/business that you’ve been thinking about?
- How different would your life be if you started functioning more from soul time? Would you go and start that project that you’ve been thinking and talking about?
If you would love guidance to seek clarity in your life, I invite you to connect with me at:
Love and Gratitude
Jacqueline xx
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