Pendulum Magic and Oracle Readings by Leela Williams

Pendulums are simple yet powerful tools that can help us connect with our intuition. This makes them ideal supports for decision-making and divination practices. Within the enchanting dance of a pendulum, one can transcend the conscious mind and tune into intuitive whispers and higher guidance with an elegance that is both profound and mysterious.

They are small enough to carry with you and simple enough to be improvised on the go. A pendulum can be created from any natural materials. You can use a crystal on a chain, a ring on a piece of cord or a needle threaded onto cotton.

There is no universal lexicon with which to interpret the workings of a pendulum. Thus, the dowsing journey begins with becoming acquainted with the language of your pendulum. To do this, sit comfortably with your elbow resting on a table. Suspend your pendulum so the weight is about 10 centimetres above the table top. Allow about 10 to 15 centimetres of chain or cord so your pendulum has the freedom to move autonomously. Any excess chain can be coiled around your fingers or cradled in your palm.

Relax into a light meditation by breathing slowly and deeply. Utter an unequivocal truth, such as, “the sun is hot” or “ice is cold”. Observe the pendulum’s movement as you maintain your contemplative state through relaxed breathing. Should the pendulum remain stationary, hold it over the palm of your other hand to create an energetic circle that will give it more energy to work with.

Once you have noted the pendulum’s response to a true statement, repeat this step with a falsehood. Proclaim an unassailable untruth, such as “kangaroos can fly”. Note how your pendulum responds.

Unwavering certainty in the veracity of your statements is key to the success of this exercise. Should you, for example, start to think about the flying marsupials linked to a certain airline, you may discover how your pendulum communicates confusion or a need for clearer wording. In this case, changing your statement to “a platypus can fly” should reveal your pendulum’s negative response.

A pendulum might swing horizontally for yes, vertically for no and in a circle where the answer is unclear. Other combinations might include clockwise, anticlockwise and figure eight swings. The more you work with and pay attention to your pendulum’s movements, the more it will tell you. Once you have a baseline for affirmative, negative and unclear swings, the applications for your pendulum are endless. Here are three ways you can use a pendulum in your oracle or tarot readings:

  1. Clarify Meanings: When unsure about a card’s meaning, run through some possibilities with your pendulum. You may like to ask how the message relates to you. For example, if a card speaks about listening, you could clarify whether you are the listener or the one who needs to feel heard. When a card has multiple interpretations, write down the keywords in your journal and hold your pendulum over each one in turn, remembering that more than one meaning may be relevant.
  2. Confirm Your Question: Before you begin shuffling, write down your question. Hold your pendulum over the question while asking whether the wording will invite the most helpful response. You can check each word and ask whether the question is focused or broad enough. You can also ask the pendulum which aspect of your life you would best address. For example, you may think you need to ask about your career when guidance about personal growth might be more aligned with your current needs.
  3. Card Selection: Instead of shuffling and drawing cards, you can let your pendulum guide you to specific cards. It can also guide how many cards to choose or whether or not to draw a clarifying card. If you, like me, have multiple oracle and tarot sets, you can ask your pendulum to guide you to the deck that holds the guidance that will most help you today.

Connect with Leela J. Williams at Image features Leela’s latest oracle, Maxine Gadd’s Zoologica: The Steampunk Oracle — available from

Leela J Williams

An award-winning psychic, creator, editor and author, Leela J. Williams entered the wonderful world of spiritual publishing in 2000. Avidly curious, she continues to explore philosophy, mythology and spiritual connection. Her creativity, deep thinking and quirky view of the world have made her a sought-after editor, mentor and writer.

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