According to the Oxford dictionary, rewilding is defined as ‘the action of restoring something to its natural, uncultivated state.’ Today, humankind has become embroiled in a modernistic twist of domestication and submission. Gone are the days of freedom – real freedom.

And so, I believe there is a place in this world for a new initiative: rewilding.

A physical, emotional, mental and spiritual rewilding of humanity; before our soul is driven from its temple, by those who’ve forgotten why we are here.

We are here to love, to nurture, to expand, to share and to rise together collectively.

But how can we rewild ourselves in this modern world?

Here are five simple steps to begin the process of reconnecting with your ancestors, who are – in reality – you:


It seems like a foregone conclusion that you should breathe on a regular basis. But bear with me; breathing comes in many forms. There is the shallow type of breathing that most of us engage in; and then there is the deeper form of breathing, which needs conscious attention. Deep breathing can eliminate inflammation from the body, releasing disease and other toxic build-ups. Check out The Wim Hof Method for more on the benefits of deep breathing, a modern version of this ancient Eastern practice.

2. Eat REAL food.

Nowadays, most of us buy our food in the supermarket. In truth, we are purchasing products that taste like food, minus the nutrition nature had intended for us. Real food doesn’t contain 20 ingredients – most of which we can’t pronounce. This highly-processed food substitute cannot be effectively digested in our bodies, and thus tends to wreck havoc with our biome. Et voila, disease. It’s high time we consider learning to grow some food for ourselves – maybe you’ll have a farm, or maybe you’ll grow tomatoes on your balcony. Make the change. Your body will appreciate it.

3. Ground yourself.

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a technique that reconnects you with the electrical charges of the earth. Grounding involves walking on the earth in your bare feet, lying on the ground or floating in natural sources of wáter.

It has numerous scientifically-backed benefits, including:

  • Improved immunity
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Faster healing
  • Detoxification
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Improved overall mood

Mother earth – naturally – knows how to make us feel better.

4. Expose yourself to the elements.

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Removing yourself from comfort may just be the greatest gift you could offer yourself. Adaptation is your goal. Your soul flourishes in the harshest moments. Expose yourself to the unknown, and watch yourself blossom.

5. Create rituals.

Just as our ancestors did before us, special provisions should be made for certain occasions – not necessarily involving money and more stuff. No – rituals involving holistic cleansing, tribal gatherings and rediscovering the lost magic of the elements.

6. Be.

We are human-beings. Not human-doings. The most effective path to rewilding oneself lies in the art of being. Sitting with yourself – no distractions – and just being. Patience with this one. Generations of ancestors are with you, supporting you, guiding you. Listen to them.

Michelle Leetch, is the writer and editor behind The Way Home. Currently living in Spain, she has spent the past ten years working as a teacher in far-flung corners of the world – India, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Australia, Spain and of course, Ireland (her motherland!). She’s a Reiki Master, a meditation instructor and a lover of nature photography.


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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