Each and every season and month is a scared time according to Mystery School and Medical Intuition. The ancient shamans, healers and mystics use the energy of the seasons and months to live happy, healthy and abundant lives.

As we enter May, we are preparing for winter, and I want to share with you the sacred rituals and wisdom from Mystery School on how to prep for winter. The energy of May in the southern hemisphere is a time to wind down, don’t start new projects or goals and allow yourself to say no to things that do not align with you. Winter in the southern hemisphere is:

  • June
  • July
  • August

In Medical Intuition there are body parts that will support you in preparing for winter. Here are the metaphysical meanings:

  1. Thymus – time for change, take personal responsibility.
  2. Gall Bladder – make the decisions, no procrastinating, no resentment for what is done.
  3. Heart – time for self-love, balance, harmony
  4. Liver – new plans around decisions made, organise ready for new birthing in Spring.

As I mentioned, the ancient healers knew this wisdom, and would align their life so that they were prepared.

May is a time to create a new ritual for winter. Maybe you would like to walk in different areas such as the forest or woods or park, as the wood element helps to heal the gall bladder and liver. Wood absorbs negativity and releases resentment. Also walking in these areas allows you to connect with the fairy realm that helps to make magic in your life.

Another ritual for preparation might be making big pots of soup or casseroles ready for those dark, cold nights where you want to nurture your digestive systems with whole foods.

Lastly, you may have a prep ritual of not pushing yourself as this goes out of alignment with the month of May. Allow yourself to create balance of work, home, social, travel, adventure, rest and rejuvenation.  

Now is the time to complete your projects and any last-minute tasks you need to do. This is the peak time to do this and have success.

Follow the natural law of attraction according to the Millennium Calendar®- Secret Codes to Manifesting and you will have health, wealth and peace.

And for those that want to know more, become a Medical Intuitive Practitioner with me and learn the ancient healing of Mystery School, contact me below.

Jean Sheehan

Jean Sheehan is a 6-time Amazon Best Selling Author an award winning and internationally recognised Medical Intuitive known as the ‘Walking Talking MRI’ who travels the world teaching The Secret Codes to Success®.

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