What is the purpose of each life? What new adventures await us? What did we promise ourselves at the start of this particular life cycle? These were some of the questions I asked myself many years ago and they led me on a profound journey of self-discovery, which I share in my book Gateway to the Soul.

At the core was the one abiding truth that if we approach challenges with a quiet mind and pure intentions the essence of our being reveals itself. There are so many potentials within us waiting to come out of hiding but if our thoughts are limited by the known past our present is limited.

Wow! Not a happy thought – is it? This impacts on our self-conscious, the self we think we know. Or do we? What actually is our reality. One answer led onto another.

When I finally realised the futility of repetitive actions, a door opened to manifest something new. That was when I acknowledge what was, took steps to regain control and uncovered different aspect of who I thought I was. This became a journey of fulfillment that needed courage to negate distractions.

Each one of the obstacles I faced needed to be balanced against history, culture and relationships, some before this current life cycle. This involved understanding why questions arose and the feelings within me that told another story. This was how I overcame problems, by truly facing them.

Early in my spiritual journey, I realised the importance of meditation and its ability to foster a calm mind and tranquil emotions. In that state I saw things differently. Intuition, inner knowing and communication with my Higher Self came naturally. I asked if it was possible for us to remember the events of the past that shaped our present and if we could change our future?

The answer was “This would only happen if all souls were evolving at the same rate, but this is not the case. Is it not these differences that brings to life its flavours? Life’s journey takes you in many directions but like the puzzle its destination is to complete the whole. To achieve this, challenges are sent your way to test your resolve.”

Transformations take time so applying standardised principles wasn’t possible. There was much to rediscover. With an open mind I was able to see things differently.

After thirty years of self-discovery, it became obvious that honouring the Spirit residing within each of us was the first step in discovering who we really are, it is an on-going journey. It’s from deep within that we find our essence, that which is limitless, never ending, and always evolving.

We are like a grain of sand on the beach being shifted by the wind or a drop of water that is part of the ocean. Each one a part of another to make one whole. In this way do we all progress, purifying along the way and as a whole manifesting something different.

I encourage you to explore this journey of self-realisation. Embrace a calm mind, overcome obstacles, and let your essence shine. Through intuitive knowing and a change in mindset, uncover your hidden potentials and evolve into your true self. What awaits is the true meaning of being human.

I’d love to support you whilst you read through my book, also what personal discoveries you make.


Love and Light

Misha Frankel, Author, Mentor, Reflexologist

PORTRAIT – Misha Frankel 4/08/2022 (Photo by Andrea Francolini)


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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