The P.E.A.C.E Process-5 Steps To Shifting with Ease – STEP 1 by Trish Rock

10 years ago, I felt lost, defeated in life, off purpose and out of passion.

On the outside it looked like I had it all but, on the inside, I was getting smaller and smaller, sadder, lost and more confused daily. I knew things had to change. I was done with feeling unheard, insignificant, and dimming my light.

I have been on a journey of self-discovery, spirituality, and happiness since then. Everything has changed and I now have clarity of purpose and passion and am living it daily. I am more vibrant on the inside and out and then…. there is the incredible peace I feel and am.

Life is certainly different now than a decade ago. I am a best-selling author of many books, inspirational speaker, psychic, meditation channel and a Spiritual/Intuitive Holistic counsellor and mentor. Over the years I have received many awards and recognitions of my achievements, but the most satisfying thing has been this work and the transformations within myself and the clients I have worked with.

Watching the lives of people change, just like mine did, gives me so much joy it is difficult to express. Just one change in perspective is powerful and can change your life today.

The P.E.A.C.E Process I have created helps to reset any area of your life with ease and will definitely create change for you if you allow yourself to trust.

I share this process with you because I don’t want you to be in the same space I was, any longer. Feeling insignificant, sad, lost in purpose and passion, and wondering why all the personal inner work you have been doing is not resulting in your reality feeling any different.

It is a journey that takes you from where you are now, into a personality from a parallel dimension, that is ALREADY living your desires and dreams.

You will find a way to BE who and what it is you desire rather than constantly struggling and reaching for it.

Be open to a new perspective on who you are and the power you hold within and learn the vast possibilities that you are already. Watch the magic unfold.

You can expect your life to remain the same if you keep doing the same.

In my next 5 articles, I will be letting you in on some parts of these rituals and steps that my clients experience when working with me.


Parallel Realities

In Step 1 of the process I take my clients through several exercises and practical tools to allow them to truly tap in to other personas they are experiencing in Parallel Realities. We then take one persona and become it.

Its an empowering process and one of the important factors is the imagining and the dreaming of the new persona.

Dreaming Ritual

This dreaming ritual is an important part of the Step 1 Process that I take my clients through, and I invite you to embrace it.

Who are you…really?

If you were living the life you dream of, WHO would you be, do or what would you have?

We don’t allow ourselves to dream big enough because of negative programming growing up but I want you to throw that old belief out the window right now and dream…..BIG!

  • Would you have more financial abundance and freedom?
  • Would you be experiencing more wellbeing and vitality?
  • Would you be in a fantastic, loving relationship?
  • Would you be on purpose and living your passion daily?

Whatever it is for you, picture your life IN that persona. BE CURIOUS!

Ok, now you have that picture of you… describe it, feel it, own it.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is different about your physical environment? (House, location, standard, energy, food you consume, Career/Job, belongings)

2. How do you FEEL? (Security, safety, fears, freedom, emotionally, inner peace)

3. What do your relationships look like? (Friends, family, spouse, lover)

4. What are you celebrating or achieving? What are others celebrating about you? (Recognition, respect, achievement, mastery )

5. How do you truly feel within yourself? (spirit, purpose, passion, faith, trust, value)

This is an important step forward in bringing forth what you desire and gaining clarity around where, and who, you are now. And the exciting part is that you already know how to be the person who is living the life you desire because you are already living it in another dimension.

Next month I show you one of the practical tools in Step 2.


Trish xo

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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