Stop Self Sabotage – Find Peace In Your Greatest Gifts by Trish Rock

For a big part of my life, I was unconsciously sabotaging so many things that I excelled in. The gifts in my intellectual and spiritual tool bag.

At primary school I remember being excellent at spelling. It just came naturally to me. I was always in the spelling competitions, where we had to stand at the front of the class and keep spelling words until we got one wrong, and then sit down. Always one of the last standing, I thought it was a beautiful gift I had and I loved spelling!

Then in one of these spelling bees, I stumbled. Not over a 13-letter word, but over the word ‘once’. I felt so crushed and stupid, as well as humiliated and embarrassed.

It wasn’t the only time in my life where I was unconsciously afraid to truly show and share my innate gifts. I have since learned that there was an underlying belief that I couldn’t be happy, I wasn’t allowed to be ‘too’ happy. And when I fully embrace my gifts, I am truly happy.

These self-sabotaging behaviours can be so subtle but when you know, they are so obvious, and I can now see so many instances in my life where I have remained small due to this old belief.

I have many clients that have this issue in their life too.

One stands out to me as it is also a school story like mine, that shaped the adult years.

When she came to me for assistance, she was needing answers as to why she kept procrastinating and hesitating in getting a powerful new program up and running that would change the lives of so many people. There wasn’t anything obvious, but I was prompted by Spirit to ask the question: What event at school stands out to you when you think about it?

Well, there it was. She explained the event and I knew instantly this was the reason for the sabotage in her reality now.

In class for this client, it wasn’t very cool to sit at the front, to answer questions or to be seen to be smart or attract attention in any way. After many taunts she decided to stay small and quiet and in the back of the room.

One day, the teacher had her sit at the front of class and stand up to read something. She could feel the eyes of the class behind her and vowed never to be put in that situation again.

In the present moment she had this little voice inside her saying- “don’t put us in that situation again. If you launch this program you will have to be out front, vulnerable, and open to attack again!”

I immediately gave her a new perspective on this. “What if, when your back was turned, the kids in the class were proud of you? Cheering silently for you in admiration of your courage and strength to speak up?”

We did some revisualisation and energy shifts on the scene that was playing out in her mind, and she then was able to move forward without fear on her new projects.

How about you? Is there a gift you have that you are keeping small? Perhaps its leadership, or intuitive gifts, or speaking gifts, or writing gifts, or creative gifts, or whatever you excel at that brings you a lot of joy.

The old story you have playing out can be shifted. A new perspective is always available. Find peace with your gifts. The world needs your Light.

I assist and guide clients and the members of my private membership group with these issues and more daily and I love seeing them rising in their life in ways they never thought possible!

I would love to know more about you and your limits! Connect with me here and let’s have a conversation: 


FB: www.facebook/com/TrishRockSpiritualMentor


M: 0403 489 013

Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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