This year is the second year of sugar-and gluten-free cake-making classes. We have had amazing changemakers come along by starting with changing themselves. In April, we are moving our classes to the Sunshine Coast, Kings Beach, and we almost got approved to be on board for The Curated Plate 2024! Fingers crossed we will next year!
I have been sugar, lactose, and gluten-free for 21 years; therefore, our founder and publicist Vanessa had an idea of sharing what I’ve learned and showing that change can be easy.
We also collaborate with nutritionists; if you need further, specific help with your nutrition plan, we can put you in touch! If you are a nutritionist, you’re welcome to collaborate.
No sugar? Instead of thinking of giving something up, think of a better, clearer skin, a slimmer tummy, and a slender body frame, possibly adding some years of healthy body and no guilt of eating all the cake you want!
Are the products organic?
I am using everyday products from supermarkets. Cacao powder and coconut flour, and some other products are organic; however, the idea of this class is its simplicity and availability for everyone who is looking for a change or bringing awareness to their life in terms of getting healthier. If there is an audience, we might create a class with organic products that have a different price. We are certainly interested in working with local producers.
What kind of sweeteners are being used?
Natvia sweetener (erythritol and organic steviol glycosides), just because it works and doesn’t leave an aftertaste, was tested on stevia-sensitive people.
If you have a group of 1–5, we might find you a suitable date and time or place of your liking; enquire by phone or email. If you have a bigger group of 1-20 you have to organise a venue with an oven.
What are the cakes made of?
Largely coconut products and almond flour, lactose-free yoghurt that can be substituted with coconut cream, Natvia, eggs, cashews, and cottage cheese. However, more coconut flour has been integrated into recipes to dim down the heaviness that almond flour sometimes creates. Note: It’s not a vegan or dairy-free class; we adjust recipes with lactose-free dairy products based on your enquiry.
Who is coming to the classes, and who are these classes for?
These classes may contribute to fitness fanatics or people who don’t have an overly active life. I have lived both, so I am more on the ignorant side now. The classes are great for a family celebration, team building activity, birthday or food awareness day as part of a retreat.
Are you a sweet tooth? You prefer to eat less sugar. You cannot have any sugar?
Are you trying to lose weight? You are trying to maintain your health.
We have had in the class doctors, chefs, celiacs, people on a keto diet, weight watchers, sugar addicts on their weight loss journey, and also some that haven’t been on a diet in their life but were looking for snack options for their guests.
Recipes are simple that you could use as your weekly prep food, or you can fancy up with some decorations or sauces to serve to your guests. 4 hours, 3 recipes. There is no need to be a food maker or baker by any means beforehand.
Lighter than keto recipes, less fat has been used, and there is no coconut oil.
Chocolate, vanilla-lemon, and coconut taste buds will be satisfied.
Sugar-free life?
Not necessarily.
Rising awareness about food, yes, and enjoying goodies more often, yes.
Help with your shopping list.
In the cooking class, I usually dig into my cabinet and show many other products that are available out there that people aren’t really aware they can use, to reduce their sugar intake or avoid gluten.
In terms of baking, there are really many options in the store that can be used instead of sugar, and I have tried them all. To save you time and money, I can tell you which one actually works.
There will be What’s App community group for the class participants where I will post updates about product discoveries and new recipes.
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