The gift of 2022 by Bonnie Baty

The year 2022 according to sacred geometry and the Millennium Grid is a 9 year and the number nine is all about completion of the physical.

Early this year someone close to me remarked that I never complete anything. They spoke of how I get excited about things and ‘talk it up’ but then everything just fizzles out and nothing is ever really brought to completion. They basically told me I was all talk and no result.

This riled me something huge and as they walked away, I flipped them the bird and uttered a few expletives under my breath. I’m sure you could use your imagination to determine which expletives those were exactly. I am of the awareness that what others think of me has nothing to with me and everything to do with them, but something was activated within me, and I needed to take some time to process what had presented. Why was I so triggered by what had occurred?

The processing opened a bit of a floodgate for me. I was given a snapshot of projects unfinished, the use of escapism and avoidance from having to face things, people, situations and mostly myself. I realised that I had been living in an illusion, all self-created, to hold myself back from stepping up and shining my own brilliance. I had allowed myself to get swallowed up in this pattern that I had unconsciously become very comfortable with living.

Now, it’s not that I never actually completed anything. I complete tasks on the daily, but this was something bigger and I had to teach myself to unravel it all. I had to make the unconscious, conscious, to get to the root cause of the pattern. This unravelling involved a lot of self-enquiry and access to various mentoring support systems which has taken me the bulk of this year to work my way through.

There were so many stories and scenarios dotted throughout my life that I had to face and process. To identify and target one of those would be an article in itself, but one by one as they arose, I felt a clearing within my body on a cellular level and a freedom that ignited within. I managed to bring a big project to completion this year, something that has taken me eight years to do. Eight being the number of integration according to sacred geometry and the Millennium Grid, I’ve been able to integrate this whole journey of physical completion.

There are many things I have personally brought to completion this year and I see where others have too. Whether it has been the change in beliefs and perceptions, the completion of a physical job, the move to a new house, the death of a loved one (pets included), the birth of something new and both the lessons and gifts we have gained from those things.

I am so grateful for the gift I was given early in the year from that person. It opened my whole world to the what ifs and those what ifs became did, done and dusted.

2022, what has come to completion for you? Thank you 2022.

Bonnie has recently launched her gorgeous Wairua Intuitive Guidance Cards. And to find out more and purchase them please visit: and

Bonnie Baty

Bonnie Baty is an author, creative artist, medicine woman, qualified medical intuitive and home-schooling Mum.

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