The gift of community by Jacq Koloski

A cool winter’s morning greets me as I enjoy a cuppa and write. The sun slowly rising and shining its brilliant warmth on me. It’s the middle of winter and it feels like each day comes and goes so fast. You blink and another week has gone. Ive noticed that I am wanting more and more time to rest and hibernate at the moment. Time to reflect, reassess and slow it all down a little. More time for me, to care for me, to nurture me. How about you? Are you feeling the need to take extra time out right now? Listen to that inner voice that guides you. It will always bring you back to you. 

A theme that has come up is the community I have around me. It was pointed out to me that every day I have someone or many someone’s that reach out to me to either share parts of their life or to check on me. I’d never really thought of it as my community. It’s my life and has always been like that. 

This got me thinking more about what does my community look like? Who does it consist off? Where do I focus my time and energy? I have family and friends who are a big part of my world and each day there is some form of connection as needed by any of us. 

Another community is the Holistic Bliss community. When I started as a contributor over two years ago, I think it is. I felt like I didn’t belong, well I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere really. I felt alone with my thoughts and feelings and that I was the only one going through whatever it was at the time. Being part of this beautiful welcoming community that Vanessa has created started more healing within me. It opened my eyes to a whole world of information, connections, and being part of something that is making a difference to my life and others. It has shown me that we are all connected more than I ever realised.

I’ve learnt to trust myself more and share my thoughts and perceptions of life without fear of being judged for it. This amazing community of love, kindness, strength and connection has been a catalyst for healing for me. It’s an open loving space for us to share our voice and express what each of us knows and to learn from each other. This community brings us together to be connected in a world that tries to divide us. It shows us that when we support and encourage each other we raise consciousness and we do change the world.  

Each month I look toward to reading what each contributor shares. I love learning about different modalities that contribute to us in being able to change and awaken more to consciousness. I love the different perspectives of life and the stories that are weaved into each article. There’s more and more sharing of each persons journey and how they came to be here today. Each article inspiring in its own unique way. Just like each of us, unique in our own way, yet still connected to all. We know that to change our world we need to come together. Holistic Bliss Magazine is more than a magazine. It is a place where we can be vulnerable  and share parts  of ourselves. Thank you Vanessa for your wisdom, determination, love, guidance and gifts that started this incredible place to build a community for all.

💜What does your community look like? 

💜Where can you contribute to raising consciousness?

💜Is it time for you to share more of your own voice? 

💜What do you need right now? 

Grateful to each of you for being part of my community 

If you are needing guidance and support I offer mentoring sessions. You can connect with me at:

If you would like to order your own copy of Jacq’s Musings, please click here: 

Jacq Koloski

Jacq Koloski is an intuitive energy mentor and accomplished author, who empowers individuals to find clarity, heal, flourish and craft a life they love through her workshops and sessions.

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