Working as an Akashic Record Reader and International Psychic Medium, for the last 23 years, I can honestly say, one of the most beautiful gifts I offer people is ‘Mediumship.’
When a loved one passes away, especially if this is suddenly, this can cause tremendous grief, trauma and pain.
Not only did you never get to say goodbye to this person, it can create an imprint on your heart, which can take a long time to recover from.
Mediumship is the ability to communicate directly, with your loved one on the other side. This is likened to speaking to them over a phone line; one that the client finds difficult to access.
This is done by inviting the ‘soul aspect’ of your relative, child, friend or partner, to step forward and to pass on messages, which will offer the most healing, guidance and support.
I receive this messages through clairaudient, which is the gift of hearing your loved one, through clairsentient which is when I can feel they answers.
And occasionally, I offer permission for the soul, to enter my physical body, So the client may have an opportunity to touch their loved one. Similar to the experience on the movie Ghost.
Common reasons clients wish to have hdirect communication are:
1.To understand and to check in, to see how their loved one is doing. This is especially important if they are worried this person was in pain when they passed and they wish to know that they are in a better place.
2. To obtain information about family issues, which are causing conflict in the family such as wills or financial problems.
3. To finally be able to speak to this person, if they didn’t get an opportunity to see them in person. The sacred act of having this beautiful exchange, frees individuals from the guilt and grief they were carrying.
4. To receive guidance about future decisions and if the loved one is accepting of a new partner they have met, to have approval from a parent who they deeply respected. Or to want support with their child and the individual is desiring the best possible advice, from their perspective.
Whatever the reason is for you, there is always a profound shift in your consciousness, the moment you are able to finally receive information from your loved one.
For me personally as the medium, I find it so deeply moving, to bring my client and the one they love together. To be able to honour, your loved one’s life, and to assist you to understand their soul is eternal, and they are still very much a part of your Earthly life.
I have had the most divine moments of bringing through a baby you lost in utero, a beloved pet and I have even assisted a plant to pass over.
For further inquires please email me at:
Phone: +61 431 725 784
Instagram: daniela_birch
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