The Joy of Sustainability with Herbal Skin Care! By Dominique LivKamal

It’s great when you can get something you love and use every day in a bigger home friendly pack. We answered your call and have made the nectar’s in our new 500ml glass bottle with a black serum pump for convenience. 

Saving money, saving packaging and sustainable for the planet its good to buy in bulk. So, we offer you a 500ml bottle ( saving you $60 from the 100ml bottle price ) and you can but a twin pack of the 500ml (saving you an extra $20) 

This is because so many people ask us for this size. You can also fill up your 100ml bottle again and again from this one and carry the 100ml in your handbag for travel and when you are out and about. 

All our herbal skin nectar’s are made simply with pure  organic herbal extractions from our Maleny dispensary. Then we only add in quality oils, emulsifier and essential oil. They are 100% plant based and easily assimilated to your skin, soaking all that herbal goodness into your body. 

We make our formulas to traditional naturopathic and herbalist techniques, we use synergistic herbs to help nourish and feed your skin. Just like we eat nourishing foods, we also soak nourishment in our skin and herbs are so healing and wonderful. 

The three 500ml we have available now are 


Rich herb 


Check them out. More of our range is coming soon when we make new batches. So stay tuned. 

Have a beautiful day! 

Dom Liv Kimal

Dominique Livkamal is a well-known herbalist, naturopath, author and creator of ‘Medicine Room’, offering free community naturopathic clinics, handmade herbal medicines and beautiful body product collections.

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