The Pride of Being All You Can Be by Trish Rock

How often do you say or hear? I’m doing it to make them proud! To make my family proud! To make my children proud of me! I want people to be proud of me!

Now, I have said this many times over my lifetime too but recently when I hear it being said, it simply does not resonate, and I want to explain why. Perhaps the same is happening for you.

You see, my feelings here are that we need to be proud of ourselves first, rather than needing it from the external.

It is like the need for love, abundance, kindness, honesty, security, safety and whatever else you are seeking in your life. It MUST come from within you, otherwise it will always be something you seek and stay in fear of losing.

Imagine if you simply did everything you do in life to feel good about yourself, to feel proud of yourself?

Wouldn’t it be the natural course then, that those around you would also feel that pride and be inspired?

And if you were to feel this about yourself, then while it is beautiful to have those you love and care about also feel this about you, you will not be attached to the outcome, or in fear of them not feeling that way.

Perhaps the thing to say is: 

I am so proud of all that I am and do, my hope is that it inspires my children, friends, family, and others to also be all they can be.

Ultimately this is the outcome you desire right – for your family, friends and loved ones to also have pride in themselves?

Words are important. They bring things into being.

It is natural to want those close to you to be proud of you.

If it is a longing in you to fill an old belief of unworthiness, low value, not good enough or not enough, then that longing cannot be filled by what another feels about you.

It must come from within. The change must happen within.

Once you are feeling great about yourself, you not only attract that pride from others, but you are not in fear of them changing their minds or not noticing anymore.

It’s a bit of a mind game sometimes – this life, words, feelings and beliefs are vital in shaping how our reality looks and evolves.

An awareness of the words you speak is powerful in changing the reality you are in.

One of the things I like to focus on in my private membership group – The High Vibe Happiness Hub– is this self-empowerment and awareness. So many magical and miraculous moments happen to the members when they can truly step into the awareness of why they are doing a certain thing, and what they are saying about it.

Self-awareness is freedom. Self-awareness is personal power. Self-awareness will inevitably lead to those around you being absolutely so proud of you, because they are reflecting how you see yourself. That cannot be underestimated.

And one last note to give you something to ponder – what is driving you to feel this way?

Yes, we want to be great examples in life for our family and loved ones but why would you think they do not have pride in you already?

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Trish Rock

Trish Rock is a Peace Coach, Best Selling Author, Holistic Counsellor and Psychic who helps people to improve their lives through breaking down the barriers to true freedom and holistic wellness. Her clients call her the Queen of Calm because of the peace and clarity she brings into their life.

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