There is only one YOU! By Anna Grace Taylor

There are so many people on the planet but there is only one YOU.

If you want to be happy, stop trying to be someone else.

Embrace who you are.

Acknowledge your challenges. 

Celebrate your victories.

Stop focusing on those who don’t like you and place your attention on those who do.

Stop waiting for approval.

Stop wishing to be with the one who doesn’t want you.

And make yourself available to those who do.

You can’t do a thing about what someone else thinks of you, so instead focus on what YOU think of you and choose to be kind to yourself.

Because that’s the only thing you ever have any control over and is the foundation for every other relationship in your life.

Fill your own cup.

Be willing to feel the space and do not compromise your true desires because you are lonely.

Raise your standards.

Create healthy boundaries. 

You decide what you will and won’t accept.

You are not a victim.

You are a powerful, amazing human who is worthy of blessings simply because you are alive.

Feel that.

Radiate your light.

Let yourself be seen.

Be unapologetically you. 

The weird and wonderful, unique and beautiful you.

And those who truly resonate with you; those who love and respect you will indeed share your life with you.

Because dear ones, when I let go of trying to be all things to all people, I discovered I could be everything to some.

Including myself.

Today, I invite you to ask your Angels to help you embrace who you are today and watch what happens.

They love you and exist to support you in being exactly who you were meant to be in this life time.


You are enough. You are absolutely more than enough and a gift to the world. 

With so much love, Anna


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
Holistic Bliss is also available to be downloaded as a free App (downloaded in 52 countries) and you can receive notifications about new articles and cover personalities on your phone.

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