Things My Children Have Taught Me By Jodee Marques

  • I must love myself: if there is one thing my children have taught me, it is that I need to love myself deeply and unconditionally. Not only so that I can set the very best example for them but also that they can see that self-love is their birthright. 
  • Perseverance is crucial: life isn’t always going to be easy. We all have internal and external struggles to battle, however the best behaviour that I can role model for my children is perseverance to keep going even when life gets hard.
  • Gratitude is the secret to a happy life: we may not always have exactly what we want exactly when we want it. We may desire things, we may lose things, but maintaining an attitude of gratitude ensures that we can find the beauty and the positivity in every day and fills us and therefore our children with excitement for the potential of what could be. 
  • Forgiveness is essential: we cannot change what has been, however, we can change how we show up in this world and how we let others impact us. I choose to forgive every situation, person and event in my life that no longer serve me as I deserve to live my life free and not held back by the experiences in my past and give my children the opportunity to do the same. 
  • All emotions are valid and feelings are important: it’s okay that we experience a spectrum of emotions and we must allow others the opportunity to also express and experience their own feelings in a safe space without judgement.  
  • Taking accountability for my actions and saying sorry is important: when I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong, especially to my children. Even when I think I’m right. I still reflect deeply to take accountability for where I could have improved, lovingly releasing my ego and apologise for anything I could improve. 
  • I have a responsibility to emotionally self-regulate: if I want my children to have the ability to manage their emotions, I must first manage mine.
  • I am strong: even in the face of adversity. Regardless of what life puts in my path. I will always do the very best I can. Not just for my children, but for myself because to raise warriors, we must be warriors.
  • I must know myself deeply: that I must continue my personal growth and be radically passionate about the things that light me up. That I must follow my dreams, and lead by example. That I must role model the success there is in failure and stand for something. That I must be humble, kind & brave and most importantly that I must set boundaries.
  • I am enough: even as a work in progress, a human, a woman, showing up every day doing the very best I can with what I have. That I must deeply believe in my potential for expansion and my innate enoughness and that just by being on this planet, every breath that I take, every word that I speak. Is enough…and therefore so are they. 

For more empowering information join the Conscious Coaching Collection group on Facebook  

Jodee Marques

Jodee Marques is The Holistic Therapist, empowering individuals, couples and families to transform unconscious limitations and live life with passion, power & purpose.

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