To the Labyrinth…And Beyond… by Tony Christie

You are ready!

You are ready to step into the labyrinth of your life!

The labyrinth is a gift from Spirit. A gift for you to assist you on your life’s path and on your soul’s journey. If you are familiar with the labyrinth, then it can take you deeper and higher. If you are new to the labyrinth you are at a gateway to greater awareness. Either way, your choice, as always with the labyrinth, is whether or not you are going to enter.

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol with one path from the outside to the centre. It is a symbol of you, and your journey to finding your own centre, the centre of all, the centre of Oneness. The oldest known labyrinths are found on rock carvings in Galicia in Northern Spain and the Val Camonica Valley in Italy, and are estimated to be between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. In Goa in India, there is a rock carving of a labyrinth of similar age, except that this one is almost ten feet in diameter and can be walked. The labyrinth appeared in many cultures and societies since then. Ancient rock carved labyrinths have been found all around the Mediterranean, in England and Ireland, in the southern states of the USA, and in India. The labyrinth has also appeared in the Baltic societies with almost 400 ancient labyrinths found near the coast. Clearly the labyrinth has had a significant meaning for many people at many times throughout the ages.

Today, the labyrinth is mainly used as a form of walking meditation, with thousands of labyrinths being built and walked all over the world. For many not familiar with the labyrinth, it has layers and dimensions that are once again being revealed. It is a healing symbol that works on many levels. It is connected with many other systems of spiritual advancement. The path of the labyrinth reflects closely the way of alchemy bringing you through seven stages of ever increasing refinement. It mirrors the ancient system of advancement in Mithraism, and maps the way of the fool in the Tarot, and the pathways of the Kaballah Tree of Life. It is a map of the cosmos and of your soul’s journey to manifestation on earth.

In my work with the labyrinth, I am bringing out and sharing new information through workshops, talks, and in my writing and art as in the Labyrinth Wisdom Cards. The Labyrinth Wisdom Cards emerged from my journey with the labyrinth. There is a widely-used practice of asking a question prior to walking the labyrinth, and then allowing the answer to seep through the walls of the overactive mind that slowly melt away as you walk to the centre. This approach inspired me to provide a similar and associated route to access our inner wisdom through the labyrinth. If you do not have a labyrinth available, then seeking answers and guidance through the labyrinth wisdom cards is an interesting and insightful alternative.

The deck of 48 cards contains illustrations of different labyrinths, various aspects of labyrinths, and associations and symbolism contained in the labyrinth. Each card represents an aspect of your life, a stage on a journey, or an insight into an issue. For example, within the deck you will find a card for each of the seven circuits of the classical labyrinth associated with each of your seven main chakras. Also included are depictions of the six realms associated with the six petals of the centre of the Chartres labyrinth: Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human, Angelic and Divine. With words of guidance and further exploration of each card to be found in the handbook, you have a ready tool to explore your questions, and seek guidance on your journey in life.

The journey of creating the Labyrinth Wisdom Cards took over seven years: a journey with many twists and turns, some frustrating, some enlightening! The topics for the cards came early; while the writing of the associated pages in the handbook flowed so freely at times that I have no doubt that a force greater than me was at work. The images in the cards have their story too. Believing that I could not paint, I sought out artists to illustrate for me the images that I was seeing for each card. This approach just didn’t work; so, I tentatively took up a paintbrush and attempted my first painting – the aptly named “Simplicity”; a childlike painting where apparent imperfections were part of the desired result. After that it was just like walking a labyrinth, taking one step at a time and moving on to the next painting, and the next, until all the cards were illustrated. Not all of the paintings came easily, and some took several revisits and re-workings before I was happy with them. On the other hand, some paintings just flowed so easily and so perfectly that I knew I was just a vehicle for the imagery and wisdom that was coming through me.

The labyrinth can assist you in many ways; it can quieten the mind as you walk its winding path; it can spark your creativity and inspire new plans and projects; it can hold you in its gentle folds while you look at your life’s issues; being a comfort when upset, and helping you release what no longer serves you. It can help deepen your knowledge of yourself, bringing you to realise that you are a spiritual being on a physical journey on earth at this time. It is different things to different people; meeting you where you are at, and being there when you are ready to take the next step. It is a map for exploring your life and existence, showing you the next steps on a journey of wonder and exploration. You are ready to let the exploring begin!

There is a mystery and mystique to the labyrinth that is more than it being just a nice pattern, or a sequence of lines or paths on the ground. Labyrinths are one of the few archetypal patterns that you can physically interact with. With the labyrinths, you can experience the ancient practice of circling into the centre, using the labyrinth as a tool for meditation, for healing, and for personal transformation.

The labyrinth represents many things, and the more you explore the labyrinth and its associations, the more you can see how it represents everything in your life. It has been called a symbol of your journey in life, a symbol of Oneness, and a symbol of the interconnectedness of all of existence. The classical labyrinth has many names: Cretan Labyrinth, Melchizedek’s Labyrinth, Luna’s labyrinth, Celtic labyrinth, and more. It contains within it, layers and dimensions of existence that represent every aspect of your lives and your existence. The labyrinth is a symbol of YOU!

The awareness that comes with using the labyrinth can be experienced on many levels. Initially your awareness may be only of yourself and your issues. Yet entering deeper into the mystery that is the labyrinth brings awareness of your environment, of the cosmos, leading invariably to a knowing of the interconnectedness of all of existence. The labyrinth is not only a symbol of oneness; but, is a tool for the understanding and the attainment of Oneness.

This is an exciting time. Nothing happens by accident. Everything has a significance – even reading this article! The key to understanding the significance of every moment is awareness. And the greatest tool that I have found to raise my awareness is the labyrinth.

I have often been asked, “How did you get interested in labyrinths?” And my response is ‘It found me”! And that is true for much that we encounter in life. Did you find this article, or did it find you?
Thank you for reading, and blessings on your path.

In Love, Light, and Wisdom, Tony

If you are interested in learning more, experiencing more, and taking another step on your life’s and soul’s journeys, then join me for one of my workshops in Australia in November. These workshops are about exploring the labyrinth, and yourself, to see what you can learn, what insights you gain. They are designed to give you knowledge and understanding of the labyrinth, and its layers and dimensions. You will experience how you are connected to all of existence, and discover how to heighten your awareness to access your own inner wisdom. You will also learn how to use the labyrinth to find answers to questions, advice in difficult situations, and encouragement on your journey in life.

Labyrinth ‘Inner Wisdom’ Workshops in Australia
Sat 12 & Sun 13 Nov 2016
Blue Labyrinth Bush Retreat, Woodford, Blue Mountains,
Contact: Donna Mulhearn, Tel: 02-4758 7360 , Email:

Sat 19 & Sun 20 Nov
Mudjimba Community Hall, Mudjimba, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Contact: Ramona Lane, Tel. 0400 709069, Email:

Sat 26 & Sun 27 Nov
“The Reseed Centre”, Penguin, North West Tasmania
Fri 25 Nov. Labyrinth Building Workshop, Penguin, Tasmania
Contact: Gill Brame, Tel. 0427907779, Email:

Tony’s Websites:



Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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