Understanding the basic simplicity of structure and energy by Suzanne Bolton

Don’t you just love how nature is so adaptable, never complaining and always in flow, like a giant mechanical symphony with everything working together.  Understanding this incredible synergy can really assist us to create the structures in our own lives to function harmoniously and with continuity. 

I get so excited about using these observations of nature to help us create lives that are fulfilling and communities that are thriving. 

If we keep it simple and visualise life as being made up of energy and structure it helps us to grasp the basic principles before we load it up with the emotional complexities and games of our human world.

A useful analogy is to think of ‘structure’ as being like a fairground full of rides and stalls but with no life, no power and no people.  Then visualise the power being switched on and all the rides start up and it becomes alive and buzzing with excitement, this is the ‘energy’ that brings the structure to life.

We are just the same, an integration of energy and structure.  Modern day living has our lives filled with so many different ‘structures’ making it easy to lose continuity and harmony in both the inner and outer worlds, leaving us trying to balance and juggle our lives, bringing stress upon our whole system where one little thing can tip us over the edge and send everything into a spin!

Recognising that YOU are in charge of the energy and also the structure of your life gives you the power to harmonise your world, stay adaptable and let go of over control, and as with nature create a life with symphony where all the components and cogs are in harmony with one another.

The key to this is to recognise when one structure is pulling against another and feeding your energy into contradictory structures.  For example wanting to be a stay at home parent and have a full time career at the same time.  The ‘parent’ structure is in conflict with the ‘career’ structure and as such will always generate that conflicting energy.  Acknowledging this and creating a new parent structure and a new career structure that work together will see the energy becomes harmonious. 

When making changes in life I always bring clients around to seeing the simplicity of the basic energy and structure at the core.  This helps to not get too bogged down with sometimes heavy emotions so that the clarity of situations can be seen and solutions can present themselves.  The side effect of this is that the heavy emotions that can keep us stuck in situations will often lift as a new perspective and future pathway is discovered. 

Book into Suzanne’s Soul Perspective Program or arrange an appointment today at: www.vitavienergy.com.au

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Suzanne Bolton

Suzanne is an inspired kinesiologist bringing her wealth of experience to her new business creation: VitaVi. This new venture focuses on energy education and the expansion of self-perception to recognise and integrate the energetic dimension into modern life. Suzanne is passionate about assisting others to consciously direct their energy towards growth, success and healing.

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