Unleash the Brilliance Within!!

Most people are left brain dominant. It is just the way society is. It’s the way the education system is.
The left side of your brain is your analytical, logical, practical side of your brain. It is also your critical side and it is where stress is stored.

The right side of your brain however is your creative, visual side of your brain. It is also where your imagination and dreams come from. Best of all there is no stress there.

So if we want to create balance in our life and have a tool to turn off stress, we simply need to become more creative and start using more of that right side of our brain.

One way to do this is to be more creative by learning how to draw.

‘Right Brain Genius’ is an extraordinary 5-week course where you will gain all the skills to be able to draw well. The course teaches you how to see differently, not just what you are drawing but in life in general.

People who have done the course in the past have found relief from depression, anxiety, stress and sleeplessness. They say they now know what they want to do with their life and have more motivation.

The next 5-week course is due to commence on Saturday 21st July either 10 to 12 or 12:30 to 2:30pm. It is being held at the Maroochydore Bowls Club.

Bookings are essential by calling Helen Joy on 0408 249 545 or log onto the Right Brain Genius website https://www.rightbraingenius.com.au/Course-options


Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
Holistic Bliss is also available to be downloaded as a free App (downloaded in 52 countries) and you can receive notifications about new articles and cover personalities on your phone.

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