Unlocking the magic of seasonal energy by Suzanne Bolton

As the wind blows and the last of the leaves fall, I am reminded of the energy of seasons.  Where I am in Melbourne, Australia the season has just switched to winter.  There is a restful state happening on the outside, as much of nature becomes dormant, in hibernation mode.  Daylight hours are shorter and there is a crispness in the air.  The slow cooker is recommissioned and churns out hearty warm and nurturing foods, filling the home with delicious mouthwatering aromas.  Contentment, warm and cozy are all ‘winter’ energies. 

Despite the outward appearance of winter’s inactivity, there is so much happening on the inner plane of existence.  Deeper preparation and a building of energy is taking place, incubating, in anticipation of the burst of life that is the Spring ahead.

As humans we too are a part of this bigger energetic cycle and without really paying much attention to it you will notice that you naturally adjust and make changes in line with the seasonal energies.  The more conscious you become energetically, the more you can harness the opportunities that arise with each turn of the season.  Like being in a slipstream, learning how to work with these natural forces helps things feel a lot smoother and easier. 

If, like me, you are in winter, now is the time to be quieter and less active externally. Make time for inward reflection, listen to your inner wisdom. Begin planning and preparations for what it is you want to bring to life in your world.  What seeds do you want to plant, nurture and see grow?  All these things are so much easier at this time, as your whole being naturally feels this energy.   Notice the warmth on the inside as you tune in to Winter’s offerings. 

On the other side of the hemisphere where you are now in summer, daylight hours are longer, and life is more ‘external.’  Flowers are coming into full bloom, fledglings leave their nests and become birds. Like the end of a fireworks display and a symphony gradually building to its crescendo, Summer’s energy builds towards a finale and is engaged in displaying the fullest of its potential. Harness this energy, like surfing a wave…  be more on show, outward. Enjoy the manifestations of your inner work, watch your ideas come to fruition .. take time to enjoy and relish in your creations and be more social. 

Becoming more consciously aware of seasonal energy and weaving this into your everyday lives can have such a positive impact on your entire energy system.  It is the difference between rowing a boat all by yourself and rowing a boat with a crew of thousands!

Try tuning in to the season wherever you are and feel how you can work with and use the energy that is available, it’s a magical ingredient just waiting for you! 

Suzanne guides, assists and helps build clear connections to your own inner wisdom and energy through one to one sessions and her Soul Perspective Program. For more details visit www.vitavienergy.com.au

Suzanne Bolton

Suzanne is an inspired kinesiologist bringing her wealth of experience to her new business creation: VitaVi. This new venture focuses on energy education and the expansion of self-perception to recognise and integrate the energetic dimension into modern life. Suzanne is passionate about assisting others to consciously direct their energy towards growth, success and healing.

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