What are your fingers revealing? by Reena Terreping

Photo: art of Byron Bay Markets.

What if you know everything? What if your body has all the answers you ever had questions about?

What if you could read it? Tap into your body’s wisdom.

Hands are the extension of the heart and much more than that. See what are your fingers reviling about the people in your life.

Fingers, how you describe your fingers, the way you describe your:

  1. Thumb – father
  2. Index finger – mother
  3. Middle finger – Yourself
  4. Ring finger – sisters and brothers
  5. Pinkie – strangers or other people in your life – 

Did you notice where you are located?  Middle finger, and by showing that, the rest of the 4 fingers are pointing towards yourself.

(Viilma, L. 1997, A Teaching of Survival: Part 4, p. 117).

What else is possible now with your body and what miracle is waiting to be created with it?

If you are interested in an explanation of a specific health condition or would like a different perspective in a life situation, contact me via my website.



Reena Terreping

Reena Terreping is an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, and offers frequency sessions using the Healy device. She loves making healthy cakes and treats, and creates recipes and provides cooking classes. Reena loves to write about: food, eating, emotional problems, body conditions and life generally.

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