I just love sharing about the energies of the New Year according to Sacred Geometry and The Millennium Grid®. To witness my clients and followers receive the ancient wisdom of Mystery, is like winning the lottery for me and them. The reason being is, they get to know exactly what the energies are and how they can shine their brilliance.
The most important lesson for humanity for 2024, are the words RESPONSIBILITY & RESPECT. This year is about knowing not to take on the BURDENS of responsibility for anyone. First you must respect yourself. Allowing others to take self-responsibility, allows their growth and soul evolution. If something happens and they haven’t taken responsibility it allows them to have an ascension and see how they can create their world differently. The next step is they access their innate wisdom to respond and know they are able to create a different and new outcome.
This means humanity stops blaming outside of themselves and know that they are a conscious co-creator. Blame hurts them and others. It is the polar opposite to the Secret Codes to Success® and Secret Codes to Manifesting. I teach this in my book, ‘Secret Codes to Success®’.
Many do not know what or how to respect themselves and how does it relate to 2024? I have written a simple way for you to remember and to follow the ancient codes of self-empowerment. Enjoy my acronym:
R – responsible
E – empowered
S – secure
P – positive
E – equal
C – choice
T – true
This year is your year to be empowered, feel secure, remain positive no matters what happens, know we are all one and equal, you always have a choice, and lastly ask yourself what is your truth.
I celebrate you for 2024 as this year is a magical year according to Sacred Geometry. Respect yourself now and always.
And for those that want to know more, become a Medical Intuitive Practitioner with me and learn the ancient healing of Mystery School.
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