What is ‘Healing’? by Katherine Christie

Healing is a process which one undertakes to make whole, mend or make free from injury or disease. What if this understanding misses the point, or at the very least focuses much too much on the start (un-whole, broken, injured and diseased) and the end state (whole, fixed, uninjured and disease free). You may have noticed by now that a complete picture is rarely, if ever attainable. How could it be when we live in a world we half understand, living in a body that you cannot take off and swap with another for a trial? Even something as simple as the ‘truth’ can be broken down into a kaleidoscope of patchy grey. Is your truth the same as your neighbour’s? How would you ever know?

What Do I Know About Healing?
As it turns out I know a lot about healing, conceptually. You could say I know significantly more about being the opposite of healed. I have changed, grown and undoubtably evolved, but I am not what you would describe as ‘well’. My health wains between poor to average. After a spinal cord injury in 2012, my body is deteriorating. The parts of my body that I don’t (and can’t) use are, for lack of a better description, ‘slowly falling apart’. Oddly I feel in the best position I have ever been mentally. I did have to overcome a period of sadness, fear and even revulsion, depending on the nature of my latest injury, illness or affliction. But I have evolved. I am not my body, although I need it. I just do the best I can do in the circumstances. And that is ok, that is enough.

What Does It Mean To Be Human?
If you understand what it means to be in chronic pain you will have pondered this question intimately. From a metaphysical perspective you are not broken, incomplete or damaged. To be human is to suffer. We are born and we die. We will experience the death of loved ones and get hurt by others. We will suffer injury, disease, condition or affliction. Acknowledging and accepting suffering as a part of your life will allow you to see the world as it truly is. Without this you are at a disadvantage.

Healing is not a process with a defined start and end. It is a lifelong journey. The idea of healing needs to acknowledge divine timing and a corporeal vessel that is not designed to last forever. True healing is a wisdom of knowing you are not your body and that looking after yourself as best you can is enough. Your time is now, you should use it wisely.

Contact Katherine via email: sweetnessskullsandlight@gmail.com

Visit her beautiful shop in Byron Bay called Sweetness Skulls and Light or
Visit her online at: https://www.facebook.com/sweetnessskullsandlight/

Katherine Christie

Katherine Christie is the creator of Sweetness Skulls and Light, offering exquisite hand cut crystal skulls, animals and figurines through her shop in Byron Bay and online.

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