What is your reality? by Alexis Moon

What reality are you living in?

This question made me stop and examine how I was turning up.

How was I being?

What was I choosing?

Was I even aware of the choices I was making?

How present was I?

This was an invitation to turn inwards, to mute outside noise and influences.

To breathe and be here, now.

More focused and aware than I had been.

Looking at my past, far reaching and more recent, I noticed some themes that I kept playing out.

Perhaps you can relate.

I would make changes, sometimes quite drastic. Then slowly, slip back into habits I wished to let go of.

I was pushing, not allowing life to lead me.

Instead of looking back and being critical, I started to change the story.

I let go of having life be a certain way. Being a way I thought I needed it to be.

I started talking more kindly towards myself, acknowledging how well I was doing.

Making choices aligned with how I wished to be.

Being more gentle and nurturing towards myself.

Choosing this space, has rippled out around me.

I stopped being so frustrated, angry and upset.

Yes I still experience these states.

I don’t stay in them as long and I don’t beat myself up for experiencing them.

Looking back, I accept I was where I was.

And now, I am here, now.

Congratulating myself on all I’ve been through and what has been.

The reality I choose doesn’t always express itself as rainbows and unicorns.

Yes, I would love the world to be like this and yet we have so much to share and learn from one another.

This can include conflict.

Within conflict, there can be peace, within. Even as it may not look like that on the outside.

I still choose this and know that I am part of a greater picture.

I may be affected or influenced by energies outside of me, yet I can decided what path to take with this experience.

Wherever I am and wherever I go, I take my energy with me.

Sometimes we are asked to interact with people that we may not normally or outside of our regular routine.

As we enter this next season, be aware of your energy.

Some questions to consider.

What are your intentions?

How do you wish to interact?

How do you wish to be?

What would you like to experience?

How would you like to feel?

What can I do for myself today, to feel nurtured and loved?

Consider the likely interactions and social situations, how can you look after yourself?

We forget that we have choices in life, even as it could be a shift of perception or making a different choice than we may have previously done.

This is your reminder that you do have choice and this is your life.

Tune within and ask yourself these questions and see where it leads.

May more magic, bliss and abundance land in your life.

Connect with Alexis and hear her latest live readings and interviews at her Facebook group:


Alexis Moon

Alexis Moon is an Intuitive, Healer, Speaker, Interviewer, Storyteller, aspiring Author and is married with 2 teenage sons.

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