When Sales Can Be One of Your Greatest Growth Tools by Vanessa Finnigan

What are your thoughts about sales? Do images come to mind of the used car salesperson who sold you a lemon, or the snake oil peddler with the magic panacea, and the pushy network marketer that gave you the hustle on all your social media platforms about  the latest ‘get rich quick scheme’?

These are extreme examples of sales and advertising, it is not the whole picture.

After working in the fields of psychology, publishing, business AND sales, I have discovered (like it or not) there is a sales component to many things we do. Many business people would be quite comfortable with this concept but I have found people in the healing, health and intuitive fields can have quite an aversive reaction to sales. The good news is that which triggers us, has the potential (if we chose) to facilitate growth.

Here are some ideas and tools to assist with making sales a great facilitator of change:

  1. Write down all the words that you associate with sales. Are they words like: pushy, sleazy, con artist? Would you be prepared to let go of those associations and now create what will truly work for you as you acknowledge your inner sales person and marketeer. This doesn’t mean you have to get a suitcase and go door to door knocking or create cheesy TV commercials and jingles.
  2. What if selling was about connecting, educating, sharing your joy and being a catalyst for change? What if it helped to inspire people and facilitated them to think big and let go of fear.
  3. When you are really enthusiastic about something, you may just be selling! Remember going for that job you really wanted and being in the interview, outlining what you could bring to the position and the team. It was about having the courage to be you, sharing your skills and gifts and letting them know why you were the best person for the job (all components of selling).
  4. But if you think you have to ‘sell yourself’ and that feels like selling your soul to the devil maybe it’s time to use different words and change your view. What if it was more about sharing your services and products and expressing your uniqueness?
  5. And what if more people found out about your unique products and services which may be potentially life changing? What difference could that bring to the world? And, thinking about sales and marketing and allowing your business to grow doesn’t make you money hungry and unethical!

So even if the word ‘sales’ makes you short of breath or fly into a rage with the thought of having to see yourself as a salesperson, could it be time to turn it all around? What if sales can be something that works for you, done your own way and in acknowledging that, creates change in your life and on the planet.






Vanessa Finnigan is the founder, editor and publisher of Holistic Bliss.
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